sweet ride man

Definately looking forward to checking this car out Saturday, awesome work man!

I finally bitched out and threw some race gas in it…but I compensated my bitchness with more boost! She should be pretty quick tomorrow.

:tup: cant wait

:headbang: more booooost

i wish i was going … i remembered i ahve an important family shit …

good luck to both of you tomorrow

I didn’t know you were out tuning. We could have had a little fun. Jason and I were out tuning his STi for race gas, only 27 psi though.

Good luck today!

i wanna see vids of today

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There’s one of the maximal event… I’ll post more tomorrow.

fuck nice run :tup:

your car is slow as shit…

i love you gary =)

vid against donovan forgot i uploaded it…


I get all excited when i see these races


quick car