The two highest numbers of the day each win an entry for the entire Attack Time Trial Series season!
Each class winner also will receive a smaller class prize.
There are six classes: 4 cyl | 6 cyl | 8 cyl each broken down to N/A and F.I.
Good eats (BBQ will be on!) and good times for sure.
Even if you don’t care about competing, you can still do a nice baseline pull to see where you’re at.
Register by email at
CLICK HERE for more info.
We look forward to seeing everyone out!

Hmm. I want to dyno my car now anyways. Since I’m done modifying my car for this year, why not. We shall see.
Yet, would this not be a little hectic for you guys?
I would like to participate.
Wont be pulling any high numbers…just want a baseline of what my car can pull
btw. i was that Black 4dr Accord that dropped by yesterday
yeah, it will get pretty crazy im sure
thats why i’m getting at least 4-5 people to run this thing
1 person setting up the computer
2 ppl dedicated to strapping on and off
1 person dedicated to hooking up rpm
1 person in the car making the pull
My plan is to do a dry run some time before the big day, where we practice getting different cars on and off the dyno quickly and safely.
If you wanna donate your car & time to the practice run, lemme know!
One question who will be driving the cars the owners or one of the employees?
i am down to donate time
let me know when you need me. i also sent you an email
Street cars or all cars…??? if they race cars too then they will have a bit of an edge (i could be wrong but just my $0.01)
ill reach after 3pm
I’m down for this too… let me know.
is this a special price on the dyno run? ($40) just wondering if I miss this, how much is it to dyno it afterwards?
Mike, how much to be part of this? PM me plz and let me know (4cyl)
I’m a complete tool. Saw the flyer. lol
So is this open to people with stock t25 SR’s?
I’m fairly interested just to see what my skyline can pull! What time does it start?
Starts at 10:00 am tomorrow and runs all day!
See you guys tomorrow.
Is this going on rain or shine?
t25 14psi who wants some!!!
It is a bit wet outside but THIS IS STILL A GO!
We just cleaned up the dyno and it is now in place, ready to rock.
Remember, the two highest numbers win ENTRY into ATTS! And we also have best of class trophies.
So get your ass out here!