Dynoflash tuned 400whp 400wtq 93 Octane

He didnt know i had a built block thats why he siad that

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHixWSUao80 read these comments

here click this: http://www.mozilla.com/products/download.html?product=firefox-3.6.3&os=win&lang=en-US

It has built in spell-checker and will double your perceived intelligence.

all i see is your comments bashing Mike. Am I missing something?

Honestly Superloud you are one of the shittiest people I have come across on the internet. Great job man.

He was tuning your car and didn’t know the setup ?

It’s a great idea. When he blows up your car the idiot owner is on tape for giving consent to do so. He even says he didn’t recommend it but you know you don’t want to look like a pussy on film… so DYNO!!! He was a lawyer at one time and was disbarred. He’s no dummy just sounds like a retard, or billy fucillo. Maybe they are related?

lol, I want to hear more about this one.

edit, and damn superloud, can you make it anymore obvious what your doing here?

Innovative Tuning Timing Map Fuel Map He must been on Acid when tuning my car

385hpSTI (uploader) When everybody seen my map they where like was this guy on crack when he tuned my car. Mike is a disgrace to the tunin world someone should fire him lmaoooo

385hpSTI — November 09, 2009 — cheap tune weak tune shit tune lmao 29 PSI race gas C16 Fuel blouch dom 4.0r ball bearing turbo58 lbs/min tuned by mike the buffon attempting to do what he do lmfao what does that tell you on too the next tuner son of bitch

Innovative Tuning mike shit tuner 416tq 402 hp C16 race gas at 29psi 12.39@112.44

385hpSTI — November 09, 2009 — cheap tune weak tune shit tune lmao 29 PSI race gas C16 Fuel blouch dom 4.0r ball bearing turbo58 lbs/min tuned by mike the buffon attempting to do what he do lmfao what does that tell you on too the next tuner son of bitch

Innovative Tuning mike shit tuner 12.39@112.44 WTF 29 PSI C16 blouch dom 4.0r

385hpSTI — September 18, 2009 — cheap tune weak tune shit tune lmao

385hpSTI @fourseasonsandles Havin a bad tune makes it harder to shift. Start goin to stm fourseaonsandles and have Al tune your car. Once you feel dynoflash power you wont go back. roclife more info for tunin

385hpSTI @MyEvo8Urs it was 402hp 416tq on C16 race gas at 29psi. 22psi 362hp 359tq on 93 octane the last crap tuner. i gained 40 more hp and it runs 1000000xxxx better. He tuned it on the streets first then put it on the dyno so what you sayin 26hp makes no sense. just click my screenname and watch

385hpSTI Al from dynoflash fixed my car right up. He erased mike from innovative old wack ass tune and made me a new map. I got banned from all the forums for sayin my tune is wack from my old tuner from buffalo. Well i got mike banned from usin Al’s dyno lmao good luck. What goes around comes around. There is alot of subarus in rochester, buffalo, etc that need a tune bad

385hpSTI mother fuckers talkin shit on nyspeed forums lol. mike fuckin blew his customer car tryin to tune it on proven performance dyno after 3 hours. Mike was askin for help from one of the mechanic at proven cause he dont know what the fuck he is doin. And mother fuckin Mike is banned from that dyno too now thanks to me hahaha. 2 hours ago

385hpSTI fuck mike he blows up cars on other ppl dyno hahah failed

We get it already, shit you campaign more than Obama.

I did some research on him because I wasn’t around the first(few?) times, I didn’t know it was possible to suck so bad in one lifetime. He should probably read this thread a few times.

I’m also 90% sure I saw him on 531 near brockport last summer, he revved at my super awesome rusty v6 camaro.:lol:

I read his youtube comment which is total bullshit as usual.

“385hpSTI mother fuckers talkin shit on nyspeed forums lol. mike fuckin blew his customer car tryin to tune it on proven performance dyno after 3 hours. Mike was askin for help from one of the mechanic at proven cause he dont know what the fuck he is doin. And mother fuckin Mike is banned from that dyno too now thanks to me hahaha.”

SUPERLOUDSTI every time you make up a story like this you just look like more of a fool to everyone. Cut the bullshit and maybe in time everyone won’t hate you.

The customer you’re referring to which is the only car I worked on during my tuning trip to Pruven had a number of mechanical issues which Pruven helped fix, but it was too late to tune the car on the dyno after they were fixed since they have a noise ordinance in their area and it was late at night. I ended up road tuning the car on low boost so he could drive it home and fix some wiring and mechanical issues at his house. He drove the car home all the way to New Jersey after that. It ran fine. The owner of that STI has tested the engine since then and told me the leakdown tested perfect as per his engine builder Ron at Raw Performance. If anyone wants to hear about the STI they can ask the owner of the car directly. He’s bbong on NASIOC as confirmed in Dynoflash’s video. I’m also not banned from that dyno or anywhere else, but you’re banned from a bunch of boards for being a liar and general ass.

I’d reply to the youtube comment, but it keeps giving me an error.

So, to the owners of this site… Is there a reason you choose to keep a known troll around who blatantly lies about a well respected vendor like Mike?

I’ve never had anything tuned at Innovative because they’re not a domestic shop but I have purchased stuff from them as well as talked to Mike at a couple autocrosses. He’s a stand up guy and it’s garbage he has to keep defending his business from an asshole like SuperShadesSTI. I’m not sure how the kid can be banned from other forums and not here.

Too bad big al didn’t tune the stupid out of your brain with his fist.

This is trash. I’ve never had any need to deal with innovative, but I have sent tons of business there only because I know mike is a class act, and is highly respected as a tuner.

Fuck al he annoys me

and most importantly fuck that fat greaseball white trash with the sti. Someone owes him a massive bitch slap for acting like a lady. I’m not going to fault him for being retarded though, you can’t help things like that


good to see all the idiots congregate together

that helps me avoid them

All I know is the beyond shady things I’ve heard about Emery and Shawna will make me stay FAR AWAY from that shop or anything to do with that shop forever.

I have more respect for Mike from all the background I’ve heard and read on here.

What’s with all the Big Al hate? dude seems cool and didn’t trash talk anyone.

Also, I am surprised that STM refused to tune this guy’s car due to the drama created. Anyone know what’s up with that?

Mine comes with personal experience with his mail-in tunes. I take issue with his professionalism, customer service, timeliness, and quality of product/tune.

Plus, he’s obnoxious. And ugly; really, really ugly.

lol, he is definitely one morose mo-fo

ugh i read the youtube comments and i immediately think this guy is at a 3rd grade level.

My hatred for idiots grows stronger everyday.
What a shame, can he please be banned. I hope this doesnt get locked… Atleast let mike get the last word in.

---------- Post added at 04:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:36 PM ----------

thats it for me… i think greasy scum bag when i watch the “bashing” video.

When i see handsome mike, i think class act, good business man, not to mention seems to have morals/ethics.

:tup: sucks when the truth comes out doesn it you piece of shit?

ive been dealing with mike for YEARS, hes gone out of his way for me so many times its unreal. i believe he gets bashed because he actually knows WTF he’s doing…

This dude has it out for Mike for some reason and it’s too bad because Mike doesn’t deserve that.

Sounds like this kid doesn’t know what’s going on with his own car. He went to the track and drove horribly and blamed it on the car and the tune. I don’t know if his ignorance is self developed or influenced from someone else but I doubt there was anything wrong with the original tune.