E-mail bank transfers

several people have sent me payment through this means

i do not use one of the 5 major banks at this time but i will shortly.

since paypal is a big fag i suggest that someone that knows how to send these payments please make a thread explaining how to do it.

i keep having to explain it to people but i have never done it so i dont know how to explain it.

can someone please make a detailed thread about the process, which i will then sticky in the classifieds.

i really think that this is the future of on-line payment

It costs $1.50, a lot of times Paypal is better anyways…

Like I told you there is not one method, each person’s (and bank’s) online system is different. All that is the same is that it is a method of paying bills or transferring funds. It should be an option under that section of your online banking.

interac over internet is starting soon…look for future shop promoting it.

i was part of a focus group i was in a room with kids my age and people behind the mirror watching me. i let it be known that i could see them, hahah

i got 50 dollars for an hours worth of easy ass questions.

its free if youre staff heh. and its better than paypal if youre dealing with the 5 major banks in cdn currency. Ideally what should be done is the seller should provide the buyer with your bank acct info. then they just go to any local branch and deposit money in to that acct. I’ve dealt with a few ppl like this purchasing body kits etc and it works best.

Why would I do that when I could do it from my HOME via online banking? :roll: This is WITHOUT getting ANYONE’S banking info. All I need is an EMAIL address.

I think this is what people are missing…YOU DON’T NEED ANYONE SENSITIVE INFO. You send him/her an email, that is all.

$1.50 is hardly worth getting my panties in a bunch, it costs me more than 50 cents every time I start my car for more than 5 minutes anyways.

2 minutes of time and $1.50 later it’s done. No 4 percent (or whatever) goes to Paypal and NO middleman. Instant and SECURE.

This is 2005. Paypal is soooooooooooo 2001. :lol:

yah thats the downside i guess… the info part. but honestly no one can do anything with your numbers, even if they gottem. this comin from a guy who works in the fraud dept at a bank.

but email money transfer is the wave of the future. paypal should be used when theres no other choice when dealing with US sellers.

What are they going to do with your account numbers? Deposit money
into your account? GOOD.

Well actually if they know people in the right places they can check your
transaction history.

That’s not the point, the point is that you have to get off your ass and go to the bank and get other peoples’ info, etc etc etc…

Much easier to just get email, don’t you think?

the online banking thing i use is netteller, im not sure how it would work account to account but i can input and extract money for my poker accounts quick time

Does this work with the US too? I’m buyin some coilovers on thursday and I’m tryin to use this email bank transfer method instead of paypal. Can I send my money to someone who lives in the USA and has USA bank account? Will they still be able to recieve the money?

That’s what it is. Interac E-mail Money Transfer.

i guessss this is with your debit card and its just like you’re doing online banking but you transfer your funds to the futureshops or some shit like thatttt

what kind of coilovers?

what kind of coilovers?[/quote]

Tein Flex.