Ebay Question

Here is my situation.

Someone bought an item off me on ebay, i mailed it out the next dayafter he paid me(April 18th), he has now started an paypal case against me stating he never received the item. I left him positive feedback right after i mailed it too.

I have never had a problem on ebay over my 100 transactions.

I am not too worried about it, but has anyone had a situation like this.

Just curious, will they forcefully withdraw funds from me? or is the buyer SOL?

how long did u wait to send it out??

edit: never mind i cant read

did u get a tracking number?? if so see if it was received or not

Yes,they will try to take the funds back from you.

Tracking #'s FTW.

I almost learned the hard way once,someone tried to make that claim 1 day after the auction ended :bloated: and paypal tried to give them their money back on a $1400 laptop I sold.Too bad he tried that shit before I sent it out and I noticed it right away because I not only had his $1400 but I had my laptop too (closed my bank account out before they could take the funds back).I kept the money in my account and about a month later paypal asked for it back because the guy was using a stolen credit card.

Worst ebay experience ever.

Luckily ebay wont let you dispute anything for 2 weeks.

If you sent USPS they have free delivery confirmation (if shipped online) so hopefully you got delivery conf. that way you can prove he received it. Just check the tracking #. If it says it was received and he claimed he didnt get it, tell him to take it up with UPS/USPS/FEDEX that is if he had insurance on the item lol.

It all depends on how you shipped the item. If you had a set shipping price or if you got a quote from post zip code to zip code. If you didnt have set shipping then odds are he wont win (if you offered optional insurance). If you had set shipping then you will mos likely lose and paypal will take the money out and just tell you that they did. The whole appeal process takes about a month and a half to 2 months.

i did not print a label from online, i did see they give you free delivery confirmation. I just went into the local post office handed them money and package left. I think delivery conf was an extra dollar or so,i recommend that everyone gets it, i just never had a problem with the usps over the last few years with ebay stuff. meh

So did you do the extra dollar for the delivery confirmation? If so then you win.


i did not print a label from online, i did see they give you free delivery confirmation. I just went into the local post office handed them money and package left. I think delivery conf was an extra dollar or so,i recommend that everyone gets it, i just never had a problem with the usps over the last few years with ebay stuff. meh


So you are getting shafted by some asshole off ebay.
Any chance he lives in georgia.:shoot:

yea delivery conformation has the tracking number so u should be fine with that

Del. Con. is only .50 Next time use it. I use it for everything I sell.

you need a tracking number for EVERYTHING that goes through paypal.

Over a certain dollar value, you need SIGNATURE CONFIRMATION, i think its either 150 bucks or something.


you need a tracking number for EVERYTHING that goes through paypal.

Over a certain dollar value, you need SIGNATURE CONFIRMATION, i think its either 150 bucks or something.


Not if you choose not to. I shipped an 1800 laptop and the cx requested that I didn’t use that option, so I didn’t check the box for it.

Empty your Paypal account now, if there is any money in there. If it is a high-dollar item, empty the bank account too. I’ve done ebay stuff for years, never had a claim against me, never had an item lost in the mail. Paypal still locked my account with $600 in it for 6 months for some BS reason, and they wanted tons of info I didn’t have. Lesson learned. Always get delivery confirmation, save that info, and always keep your Paypal account empty when selling things. If you are dealing with high $ high risk items (Laptops, etc) keep your bank account that is linked to Paypal empty. I’ve sold one laptop for a friend, and I’ll never do it again, just too much risk when they are $500+.

my paypal is always empty, I usually get delivery conf with more expensive items. I will always get delivery conf from now on.

anyways it has been resolved, the mail at his building misplaced it, but they have found it now.

paypal is a fucking ripoff, it sucks its what everyone uses though. 3% of all the money oyu make is yanked by paypal. then another % for the ebay listings. then another costs to list the items themselves. then you get people that like to file claims asap. can be sketchy at times, but its easy to makes some quick cash on ebay.