I love it when people don’t know a thing about responsibility. How to take it and where to assign it. I was reading an Op-Ed in the Buffalo Snews a few weeks ago and there was a nice letter from a reader that got my ire up.
Diana J. Butsch from West Falls wrote this:
Corporate America is destroying our Democracy
Congratulations corporate America - you have won. We are no longer a democracy but a corporatocracy, meaning we are ruled by corporate America. You have bought our elected officials for millions and they continue to do your bidding.
You control our airwaves and that is why we no longer hear truth but but unimportant endless nonsense. You convince us more war is good and that we should continue down that disastrous path, but its all about profits.
Now that there is no public option in our health care bill, that means even more trillions for the insurance and pharmaceuticals and more costs to us tax payers. But most importantly is the loss of our democracy to corporate America.
It is no longer the people who have the power; we are mere slaves. We can now be known as the United Corporations of America, ruled and controled by the rich and powerful. However, we can still rise up and take back our government by voting, calling and marching and getting involved.
Otherwise, be prepared to continue to feed the corporatrocracy through high taxes, low wages and bribed officials who will feed their greed at your expense.
It’s just another person that doesn’t know shit about politics but knows just enough to sound intelligent to idiots. This is a washed down diner view point.
For the record, without getting into the corporate structure details W was CEO of a company called Spectrum 7. I’m sure he wasn’t the first POTUS to have held the title CEO at some point before the presidency.
Seriously, don’t ever read the comments section. Of anything. Ever. It’s like remedial message boarding, which itself is like remedial life. Which makes any comments section like remedial^2.
I mean, come on. How much shit on here have you read that makes you utterly amazed that someone could be so stupid yet still manage to type and breathe at the same time?
you people keep living in your bubble. Its out in the fuckin open how mnay lobby groups all the congressman and senators take money from. Its out in the open that 3 major corporations own all the mainstream media in this country. Its not a fuckin conspiracy theory. This why im shocked, when people are shocked when they hear about another ceo ripping off customers for millons, or the president of the new york fd giving 62 billion to aig and telling them to shut up about it. Lieing is what peopl in power do. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. the absolute in our society today is money. Money printed out of nothing given to whoever our government and private central bank feels necessary to buy off. edit, including the 70% of economists in this country that are on the fed’s payroll, the rest are just whack jobs right?