Effin, broads, why so difficult!


i feel your pain, but thats the exact reason i go to the bar to drink, not meet girls, basically they either come up and talk to me or not, im too lazy to smile back across a room or any bullshit like that… then after about 5min of talking they either think im an asshole, or theyre still around… but i take it that you werent doing bad since you got her “name” at which point you were prob holding/hugging her no? i mean have you ever noticed the back pockets on girls jeans? theyre fucking small, too small to fit normal things in. So slip your hand in her back pocket so you can pull her in, or at least hold her there so she wont run away… just my 2 cents (i dont go putting my hands on every girl, but i mean if they come up to you, theyre already slightly interested ya know) **note belt loops are easier, more casual, just as good :wink:

bottom line, some girls ARE crazy… but for me at least if theyre tossing fishing hooks out to me like winking, smiles, crap like that i dont even bother, ignore that shit because it gives them the upper hand, theyre reeling you in. they expect you to respond positively and buy them a drink or something, so of course they shy off because theyre in control of the situation.

**note: this isnt a dating lesson, girls like that annoy me, and its just what works for me


Next maybe you can club her…and drag her home by the hair…It worked for cavemen…