Elderly License Retesting?

As much as I would love to see a drivers test required when you renew your license, it wont do much to people who just drive like idiots or with cell phones. I remember when I took my road test, you drive super good but as soon as you are on your own, you go back to driving like an ass.

If the test is worthwhile, it’s not a big deal to do this once every 3,650 days in my opinion.

At a 80 year lifespan, this is only 6 re-tests. Drop in the bucket.

To accomplish what?

To ensure that everyone that is driving a vehicle, is phyiscally fit to drive a vehicle. ie, they can see, react reasonably quickly, still understand what the less-common street signs are, etc… Automobiles are extremely dangerous. A lot of people die every day in automobile accidents. Keep people on there toes with a test every X number of years and you might save some lives.

Maybe they could retest anyone applying for a handicapped tag… at least make sure they can turn their f*cking neck more than 10°. In my eyes, handicapped is ability impaired.

There should be electronic monitoring of each vehicle on the road so the govt knows every little thing that happens and can test and/or fine accordingly.

If they at least test your eyes and shit every so often.

shut up old man and go get re-tested


I watched an old man struggle for 3 long minutes until they eventually read the chart for him. I was disgusted.
What is the point if they let anyone pass?!?!

If they don’t need a license then the dmv don’t gets da money.

Every 5yrs from 65 on would I think work very well.

The first name to come to mind when I saw one vote not to test…fry :rofl:

every year. from 65 - 68 my grandmother lost her mind entirely, at 65 she was normal, by 68, she didnt remember her own children.

Scary shit.

I propose we expand this to all females, especially those that have to drive the largest 4x4 AWD grocery getting death machines while on their phone doing their nails. I guess that’s about all of them.

I think some people are missing the point on the elderly testing. It’s not to see if they know how to drive, it is to see if they still have the mental/physical ability to drive. Maybe after everytime someone has a major medical problem, stroke, heart attack, they should be required to be retested, in addition to elderly people.

and I think that including highway driving on road tests would be a good thing after the idiots I put up with everyday to and from work.

Yes,I know for a fact that there are elderly people out there that have to write themselves notes on why the left the house and directions on how to get back home.

As much of a hassle as it might be, I still want to see SIGNIFICANTLY improved driving tests for everyone. Every 5 years or so, you should be re-tested.
None of this, ‘drive me around the block and turn around’ BS… Its a joke how easy it is to get a licensee.

Too bad it would never work, since the majority of people on the road would fail the new tests and bitch…

Retesting and/or a more difficult test would multiply the number of tests given/month by a lot with all of the ensuing failures. Then the gov’t would bitch about funds/staffing and close a park.

I agree they should most of them are a road hazard, dangerous to themselves and others. This year there was two accidents caused by elderly people right outside where I work.

One guy ran a red light and said it looked green and ended up smashing a school bus full of kids. The other looked like a 90 year old lady, she ran a red light again thinking it was green and hit a van that did a 360 and flipped over 3 times. Anyone at any age could of done that but it’s usually cause their not paying attention or want to beat the light.

There is many other reasons, like that elderly driver that hit and killed the teacher that was running at night it ended up being not her fault but still prob could of been avoided.

:thankyou: And I stand by my no vote. You guys have way too much faith in the government.