Election Day

My favorite Bill Kindel moment was watching him yell and scream that if we didn’t fill 4 vacant APD positions the town would be overrun with drug dealers. Nothing like a good scare tactic to get the town on your side right?

Luckily most people thought about what he was saying. With 492 police officers we’re doomed to have crime like Buffalo, but with 496 we stay safest city in America. Talk about your all time greatest bullshit lines.

Coming in a close 2nd was the one that almost had me physically removed from a town board meeting when we were fighting about assessments. He simply wouldn’t admit that jacking the assessments 40% but lowering the tax rate .01% was still raising taxes. For those that aren’t in Amherst, that was how Grelick “lowered” our property taxes. Somehow the bill was still larger for the vast majority of Amherst homeowners though.

Then several months later my wife told me Grelick actually knocked on our door during her re-election campaign. Had I been home I might actually be in jail. :lol: