Empire Fitment website debut.

The car is clean. Ive never been a fan of the eclipse but i like this one. The stance shit takes away from the car i think

you suck


gotta put up wheel and suspension specs for these features, dude

cut springs like the PR’s

First car that actually looks like it belongs on that page. Nothing I can’t stand more are the goons that run stretched tires to clear unrolled fenders and still have a one or two finger gap all the way around. Looks like shit.

Coming up with an error on the page. Can’t see shit

Probably not the only one

Specs are right in the article

eclipse looks cool. a front lip would set it off 100% though.

So I read up on stancing cars…I still don’t understand why you stance cars…what’s the purpose? just to have the lowest car? Just curiosity

Owning a VW and being exposed to it regularly…there is no purpose. They do it just to do it bc they think the car looks cool. I happen to agree so I’m happy other people do that to their rides cause there’s no friggin way I’m doing it to mine.

Well it seems the point as I mentioned is to have the lowest car so that the rear tires end up looking like a " / \ " shape…but all it does is allow you to lose potential turning ability without scraping the tires, bottoming out when pulling into places and having your bumper fall off…no?

my bad, used to seeing them listed at the end

because you like the style.

its really not that hard to comprehend even if you don’t like it, stop thinking so hard about it.

people that are trying to do it to say they have the lowest car are retarded and have small dicks.

Has nothing to do with being the lowest, some people like it some don’t, simple as that. It’s a style

That’s all I was asking wasn’t sure that’s all :slight_smile:

Dude, chubby chicks are great in bed bc they’ll do anything. But you don’t show chubby chicks off to your friends. You show model chicks off to your friends.

That’s what stance is. You don’t actually drive around like that unless you’re a retard. You get some bags and drop as low as you can for pics, then drive around at normal height. It’s like the Madonna and the Whore complex but for cars. She’s dirty in pics but you can take her home to meet your mom…at stock ride height.

Stance is stupid. Each their own. But shit. It’s pontless. I get it, but still pointless. Lol

modifying cars is pointless.


#1 reason I hate bags.