Empire Fitment website debut.

or a sandy vagina?

Stupid fucking traffic kept fucking us. I had to slow down to 50 or 55 a few times because the state of New York installs a two lane road connecting a large city (Albany) to the largest city in the US (NYC) and people can’t grasp the concept of merging or using the correct lane.

So do you guys have guidelines you follow for what qualifies as a “feature” or just doing anything that looks cool if its fitted or not?

yea dont be runnin into my car death

:rofl :rofl

Seriously, who fucking designs or plans roads and how do you get that job?

Kevin, broken spirit would be me selling my car and quitting th car “scene”, I’m not going anywhere, just don’t feel the need to share my build with your type of “enthusiast”, which is a shame for the forum in general as there are so few full builds

What’s a shame is destroying somebody’s property

Empire Destroyers

Empire Embarassment

it would be nice if you showed this type of enthusiasm towards me once in awhile

***** the largest city in the us is juno alaska. Getchofactsstr8

Let me rephrase; city with the largest population.

oh snap, what now capcities

Nothing. He’s right. :lol


the highways were designed years ago when no one thought there would be this type of traffic.

to be fair though, the major highways by my sisters are 4-5 lanes in each direction and the traffic still sucks because people can’t comprehend to keep right. speed limit is 70 so people are doing 70 in the right lane then 70.25 and 70.5 and 70.75 and finally 71 in the other lanes while i’m bouncing through traffic at 90. the best highway is a two lane each direction cause nobody is on it, can cruise in the fast lane doing 90 and fly by everyone in the slow lane usually, it also happens to be the highway that bring u from her house to her work…its amazing that i have only gotten one speeding ticket down there.

Your spirits broken pizza boy.

Kevin, lets build your 3-series.

Met all the guys from empire fitment last night, all really cool guys and all really nice.

don’t lie to us