Engine additives – Good ones? Bad ones?

Some of our babes are getting up there in age and we need to keep them running strong. Some guys do this by using engine additives. Is there any on the market that you guys swear by?

the only thing i add to my engine is oil.

Followed by the correct mixture of gasoline and air…

There’s no such thing has a healthy engine additive

I have a zmax box sitting around if you want it,… lol


I put in some Lucas oil stabiliser at every oil change in all my cars.

i just bought one of those bottles before my engine blew, didnt use it though. is it any good?

Oil companies put billions of dollars into oil development… all so you can add some $9.99 canadian tire shit in there?

Straight Valvoline fully synthetic is all I use. The beater gets regular Valvoline.

Restore, using engine restore? If you are worried why not use a high mileage oil…Would anyone recommend those? My car is getting up there and its just about time to get an oil change, should I go synthetic or high mileage (over 250***km)

I had an old Maxima that burned oil like nobody’s business. I started adding that Bahrdol stuff that comes in the tin can durring every oil change and presto! No more burning…still I’m sure I could have accomplished this buy swapping out to a heavier oil.

Like the other guys said, if your engine is healthy then dont go adding anything extra.

Additives = for ricers / rednecks.

Check what type of Synth you use…

Most high mileage (synth, synth blend) is called synthetic but it really isn’t. Most of it is finely processed mineral oil that meets Canadian requirements to be called synthetic allowing companies to market it as such.

There are three types of synth (Group III, IV and V) and mobil 1 is a group IV and re-processed mineral oil is Group III.

ok well the mind-set here is additives are shi* and synthetics are (perhaps) the way to go.
but i though synthetics should not be used on older cars, like my 91.
and if im wrong, what synthetics should I be looking at?

Well, as Paul kinda mentioned if it’s an older motor that an additive will keep it from burning oil, that might be the way to go.

Synthetics tend to be a tad thinner and prone to leaking on an older milage car.

Healthy motors should have unmolested good grade oil in teh weights speced by the manufacturorz

Just my 2¢ here.

It depends on what additive you’re using, and why.

For older engines that have questionable maintenance (ie, you just bought it) they will usually respond well to something like Rizlone. It’s no miracle in a can, but I’ve had good experience with it. It forces gaskets and seals to swell a bit, restoring compression, sealing leaky valve seals, as well it frees up sticky hydraulic lifters quite nicely.

For band aid solutions for your beater … Bardahl no smoke. That shit is downright amazing. It’s thicker than molasses, but in my experience, adds life to motors that should by all means be rebuilt.

Again, it won’t put a rod back through a block, but if you’re burning oil, coolant, or have an otherwise smoking/leaking motor in your beater/DD, it can’t hurt to try.

A lot of the products do what they claim - the thing is they don’t undo damage. They are by no means a replacement for regular maintenance. If your motor is smoking or leaking, there’s only one way to fix it properly.

Other additives are worth looking at too. Water Wetter, or Purple Ice for the rad. It does work. Water pump lubricant, fuel stabilizer if you’re storing, there’s a lot of them.

Same here… Keeps er running smooth like a babies behind.

It’s funny how I started using it, I was so bored at work that I played with the little wheel thingy with the Lucas inside it, it’s fun and looks cool so I thought I’d give it a try…lol…until someone stole the wheel display thingy…fucking ghetto around here…