ok so last night i was driving on the 407 when my tachometer flickered dropped like 1000rpm maybe and then went back to norm when i got off the highway it died on me managed to roll it to the side of the road.when i tried starting it it would run for a little bit then die. now its in my driveway and went to go start it it starts runs at about 800-1000rpm and then after a few seconds maybe 20 -40
it stalls/dies. not sher what im looking for need help from any and all of u. maybe its the idle speed, fuel filter, fuel pump, oil filter or pump. help me out pls its my dd and i got work tomorrow and im in saga and work in Toronto long mission on the bus lol pm me or post up thanks…
the way you describe it ,I think it’s your alternator .the car runs on what little juice the battery has left, then dies because the alt is not giving anymore
alternator?? belts and pulleys r fine but ok well my light inside the cab is out when my door opens no ringing no clock … have to check with amp meter
Had same problem check the 75 amp fuse in the engine bay fuse box replaced mine ran like a charm
changed the sencor on the throttle body and now it stays running i drove it to get gas then tested on the hwy and got home with out trouble it idles at 650 , but when i start it, it has some trouble keeping to 650 but when i hold the gas to about 1000-2000rpm for a bit then it runs fine. can this be early signs of fuel pump or filter??? and how can i tune the idle speed??? starting it with out a key???
still feel like there is a problem not to sher what it may be , and is there a diagnostic computer i can get to plug in to the ecu and read codes???
Nissan consult … its all over ebay .
I only have an OBDII reader. If you ever have any OBDII cars with codes, let me know. I don’t mind running out to wherever in the area any time I am free. All I ask is a chip for gas and that’s it. This is for any forum member really. Not out to make bucks off doing a 10 second job.
sounds like alternator, get a volt test done.
on second thoughts try boosting your car or put a battery you know that has a charge in it. see if it starts
The idle problem is ur iacv its either dead, or dirty.
I would say begin here. If you want to rule out the alternator, all you have to do is start the car. When running, disconnect the battery. If the car dies when you do this, the alternator is dead. As for your idle quality problem, look for a fsm (factory service manual) download, once you have this, It will give you complete diagnostic procedures for the symptoms you are describing. It will give you a series of tests to preform, thusly allowing you to isolate the defective component, completing your diagnosis!
Good luck
how goes the car man?? did you get this going?
iacv??? where and what??? have it running now died out on me as i pulled into my drive way on sat. then on sunday i changed the sensor just after the air filter the o2 and the other one, and now its running but when its in N. the rpms are 850 900 but when its in Drive they drop to 500 and when in park at start up its low. going to disconnect the battery while running to see if it dies and then ill know if its the altinator. its a pain in the ass not knowing what the problem is and it gets u scared dont know if it’ll die out down the street or on the other side of the city.