Engine shut off

Hello Gents and possible ladies!

I was wondering if you guys could help out a fellow 240 owner with an incident i’m almost sure someone here experienced before.

So I was cruising on my way to the strip joint ah i mean, ahh, the variety store! yeah that’s it… and the car [91 240 hatch 5spd] shut off right i was going through the intersection [embarassing? Yes.] i thought i stalled but driving stick for a living and for fun that’s unlikely.

The engine light came on. car turns over but wouldn’t start. a push start saved that day.

another time [while driving in traffic 20-30 kmh] my rpm gauge dropped to zer0! i was already in second so i just release the clutch since i was still rolling and lets just say its a jump start without the extra hands!

last night i was driving home [30-40 kmh making a right turn] it shut off again. this time a jump start did nothing in first or second gear. it keeps turning over but wouldn’t start. taxi + tow truck = 150

last one i promise. this morning it started no problem. it’s like tha KA fairy came and save the night. help guys help…

what do i do… how can i fix this problem…
thanx in advance.


i was having the same problem, when i first got my beater car. This could be cause you don’t got good spark plugs,fuel filter, air filter, distrib. Basically you might need a tune up. Check how weak you sparks are and if your spark plugs are in good condition.

I had this problem even after the tune up, how ever after i got about 1000kms on the car the problem went away, it was simply cuz that car hadn’t been driven in a while so everything was jammed and plugged up.

fuel pump?

funny thing is i just got this car about two weeks ago and the guy said he had it parked up. but occationally took it around the block. [don’t know if around the block is enough driving but that sounds possible] thanx alot wasn’t thinking about that.

definetly going to look into this. sounds logical aswell. thanks m8

but any other ideas or suggestions please be free to post…

thanx again!

Sounds like fuel pump to me as well. Turning off on a turn and being able to bump start it signifies that. I bet when you where going threw the intersection ur gas was probably low.

p.s fungc those rims are so clearly computer animated lol

lol :stuck_out_tongue:

sounds like bad wires to me.
check electrical connections at battery, alternator, and especially the sending unit…
make sure all are not corroded or loose.

yes my gas was low! and i thought the SAME thing of the pic… photochop! LOL. looks nice nonetheless.

will do, your like the fifth person to say this so i’m almost sure this plays a role.

all in all you peeps been VERY helpfull… definetely going to look into said suggestions. hope to see you guys around.

thanx again.

had a similar problem a while ago…
the idle was so low every time i press onto the clutch pedal the rpm drops so fast that it stalls…
adjusted the idle now is all better

Also make sure your battery has a proper tie down, and the rubber positive cover.

You’d be surprised, but if the battery moves and shorts out while you’re driving it’ll shut down.

But yeah, sounds like fuel pump.

But turning and fuel level would have nothing to do with it.

It could just be a really dirty fuel filter, and pump sock.

^^^ i did a few searches on google and one person did have a problem with their battery cable while going through the same problem… i will try moving around my cables and see how firmly on they are.

Zeta_G my car does idle a bit lower than i would like… i will definetly adjust that and hope for the best…

ps. what do you guys think about the COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR. in the search on google the person reply that their SENSOR was the problem.
apparently it will start no problem when it’s cold. but once the car warms up to a certain temperature the sensor senses that the coolant is too hot. this sends a code and the car shuts down to cool down. that’s why the wait of is required before car starts up again.
The second major problem was said to be the FUEL PUMP RELAY. the person who posted said he changed EVERYTHING. $1000s in parts. then he changed the least expensive. of all. cost him 5 bucks apparently. FUEL PUMP RELAY.

don’t know if this helps in the future but once i change those two i’ll be sure to post if problem still exists!

ok folks… maybe this might happen in the future again with someone elses car

just shutting off while driving… i’ve finally got my situation fixed and it seem to

have been the CRANK sensor… i ended up changing the whole distributor instead

of opening it up and just changing the sensor.

so hope this thread comes in handy.

untill next time. peace.