Sounds like someone is just butthurt that he drives a chick car.
yep, and i was on psronline too…whoop d fucking doo
you said i was part of the “new people” … however, like i said, as far as i’m concerned, as well as everyone from pittspeed, YOU are one of the “new people” hence why i feel you are a newb
zoom zoom
Same here really just having fun
“Network Short Bus” forum? A place for all things retarded.
no use in that, every net-wide thread would end up there
I’m with this guy.
So we should dump the entirety of the domain into one forum?
This just in…
A mazda 3 is a chick’s car.
I will now continue getting my dick sucked by your fat wife, because she likes the taste of my pee… since I don’t wipe when I urinate
:tup: I think it will be a fun event! Now if only i could get you guys to be a lil less disruptive haha.
On-Topic: So, Pittspeed had PSR and NYSpeed had UBRF. The fact of the matter is that we’ve all been around the internet for a long time. With that as a fact, why exactly is the Pittspeed forum full of a bunch of users who act like they’ve been on the internet for only 6 months?
Are you telling me that for the last decade Pittspeed has never matured as a forum and for 10 years you guys have all saw your behavior as acceptable? That would mean that your users started 10 years ago at an estimated 18 years old (car forum estimate). Nobody has grown up and said “I’m now 28… why are we still acting this way? This is sad, I’m a professional now, own a house and have two kids… wtf is going on?”
No wonder pittspeeders think nyspeeders are gay. They start retarded threads about dick wiping and men’s fashion :dunno:
hahaha, mature as a forum… It’s the fucking internet for god’s sake. it’s the only place in the world when you can act like you’re 12, say whatever, and no one gives a shit. unless of course you’re on err, i mean nyspeed, where you better be serious or else
I started a thread about bacon and beer… don’t put us all in that group!
We also have an “All that is man” post. I don’t know if thats in Network OT though…
… actually, I’m hoping it’s not. Your forum would probably come in and post up what ISN’T manly and ruin it.
no offense to whitey but i think his master plan was to have NYspeed turn us into metrosexuals like himself …just saying
Add the option to ignore an entire forum. Then people who can’t handle it can just use that.
Your peeps seem to group all of us together :dunno:
I did see the bacon hamdog thread…looks interesting to me.
People involved in drama usually bring it upon themselves…
jus’ sayin’
don’t forget your roots toD!!!
I saw this too… it started to get me to think again about these nyspeed folk
Then I saw that one of their members actually claim to be an automotive enthusiast yet drives a mazda3… anything close to respect goes out the door whenever I see that signature.
Even 1slowr/t gets more man points than that guy…