Epic-Center Roller Hockey sign-ups!

we have been talking to the people at epic. It’s just really expensive there. $120 an hour. And they only have it open on thursdays.

About playing on weds, I reather play in the league… But I know dennis wont.

My schedule is pretty full right now, but let me know what day you guys are considering and ill see what i can do, I know right off sundays are bad as of right now (ice hockey but the team might be folding), and I have to start coaching soon, and practices are ussually wed nights at 930

ok epic-center finally answered when i called. i found out that the games would be Tuesday and Wednesday nights between like 6-11pm, and on Sundays in the late afternoon-early evening hours. Like i said, i think we would be better off on wednesdays, seeing a few of us have things happening on tuesdays.

I may already be playing there on Wednesdays. I will let you guys know for sure.

i can stay latest 10 - if its ctutting it close i cant do it - if im lat eone my time, im fired

My sunday night league has fallen through, and I would like to play some sort of hockey this year, but my wednesdays are more then likely going to be taken for coaching.

sunday = football and my day off

Wasn’t saying I wanted to play sunday, just stating that I want to play

i dont think there’s many people wanting to play on sundays. i no i dont like i said in my last post

no he meant his sunday league fell thru, meaning that he wants to join another league since he’s not playing at the moment, no matter what days (besides wednesday). i think :slight_smile:

im confused


me 2. o well

Well i got in a league every sunday… but its through UB. If anyone goes there and wants to play there too let me know.


When is the league supposed to start date-wise?

oct 31st

and what are the official daysand times -i think ive read either tues -wed from 8pm-11 ???

we havent figued out when we can do it officially. im just gonna PM everyone who’s interested, and see when theyd be able to play. and basically the day that most people can play on, we’ll play that day. so itll prolly be tuesday or wednesday nights. times range from 6-11. ill see what you guys say, and ill post up a reply.

u need anyone else to play??? i will if so

What level are we playing at? I got 1 more guy if we need him, hes older, but still good.