Epic-Center Roller Hockey sign-ups!

aiight. hope to see you there tho. we may need you for the fight

I might be late.

:lol: I’ll do what I can

couple notes:

  1. The first game should be either the 1st tuesday or 2nd tuesday of may.

  2. Regarding the free practice, we can get it whenever they dont have hockey going on there . im assuming we’d have it when the Sabres aren’t playing. anyone have any suggestions on when u wanna have it?

  3. For those who dont know, the session will be $104…just a couple more dollars than originally thought. we will have 11 players, not 12. so by the 1st game, scrounge up the extra couple buck to give me.

  4. and just a little tidbit…as hilarious as this may sound to some of you, im not going to take more than 2 penalties this upcoming session. if anyone wants to bet on that, im up for it.

HAHAHA :bsflag:

no really i beleive you :slight_smile:

Awsome I always thought we should have a coach! :stuck_out_tongue:

ill be behind the bench the 1st game

if some of you didnt grab a schedule, our next game is at 6pm.

did we win?

yeah 7-6. we played the boondock saints who are a rec 1 team.

so are we in rec 2? or did they combine everything again?

everyone is together…I had one shot on net :frowning:

they easily could’ve divided the 9 teams into 2 recs. and have everyone play everyone twice. BS

im sure some of you guys may not read the pm i sent. game tomorrow is at 9, and bring some money for next session

i wanna play next season

adam do you know if they’ll be combining rec 1 and 2 again next season?

I’ll play again too if you guys need a player. I’m sick and tired of running a team, trying to get people to pay, show-up and for getting sued for being the captain so no more of that shit for me.

:tup: to Adam for taking on all the responsibility! Its a pain in the arse if you ask me!

PM me if you need me Adam.

i couldnt tell ya. honestly tho, we could take any team that we played this session. its just the mad dogs that we have to worry about.

regarding next session, we have a full team right now, ill post if we need people.

and tomorrows game, we will be playing the team we tied last week. should be a good one.

Do you guys know if you have room for me yet? I heard the new guy who took my spot isn’t playing next session.

If not, I’ll probably start up a new team… I want to play some way or another