Epic-Center Roller Hockey sign-ups!

yeah, 3 goalies! SHIT!

Dennis and Dimtry. New guy - he’s pretty good.

I got phone calls to make


ok I lied…

Ralph and Dimtry are playing net.

Dennis is playing out. Ralph is worse at playing out and I felt bad to ask him not to come lol.

that’s gonna be different

playing with a puck tonite would be sweet

doubt we will…

man i wanna play with a puck…

never thought I’d say that, but me too.

bumpity bump

Dennis just bought a grand worth of goalie pads :tup:

What time is our game next week? I have court, stupid ticket

ohhhh nice! go dennis! :tup:

our game tuesday is at 9 against the buffalo sonics again

Ok good, I’ll be able to make it!

big game tonite guys, cya @ 7 :tup:

bring that “A” game boys

I’ll be late…

dennis was right…we dont have a game this tuesday. our next game is the 18th at 7pm. as you know, the team we’re playing, plays twice that nite. im glad we’re playing them in their 1st of the 2 games they’re playing

and please scrounge up some money for the upcoming session. i need money asap!


we need to play somwhere else tuesday somehow lol

what time is the game tonite?



I might not be able to make it tonight boys. Something has come up. I’ll do what I can though…