Epic-Center Roller Hockey sign-ups!

I got to get better at playing defense. Although to be honest I would really want to play offense. Since we had 5 defensmen this game do you think I could switch and be an offensemen?

I mean both of my goals so far are from me being in front of the net, not at the points.

Jon, are you playing tonight??

Probably not tonight man. :frowning:

i thought in the 2nd half u were playing offense?

Exactly, I don’t know what the hell I was doing.

I was on defense though.

ok, scratch that…you and jon have the same damn avatar, i was refering to him not u tom :stuck_out_tongue: and yes, u were on defense lol

we’ll see what we can do. we can prolly get someone to switch with you

not a bad game tonite, we’ll get them next time :slight_smile: 9-8, atleast it was exciting!

yeah it was a good game. We can take them :tup:

yea im sure that guy i slashed in the cock cant wait to play us again either

The guy I work with is the captain of the team that you played last night. He mentioned that the other team slashed his buddy in the crotch and the ref never saw it… I laughed the fuck out loud when I read this!!


just remember tho, when a guy from the other team is falling into you, don’t get yourself out of the way, cause you’ll get a penalty for not catching him :roll: i hate how inconsistent these stupid refs are

lol, yea it was his own damn fault. he was lying on the ground with the puck right under his junk. what do you think’s gonna happen when 3 guys are jabbing for the puck when he’s covering it with his hand

yeah, i knocked him into the boards because he was trying to kill time. He then had the puck between his skates and had his glove on the puck. That shot to the nuts was bound to happen…I actually thought he was pissed about being checked. I didn’t even know that Poose got him :lol:

haha yea at first i thought he was grabbing his shin cause he got slashed or somthing

i wish their goalie wouldve played the whole game instead of 2/3 of it. i guess the ref’s will let them use another teams players. when me and jared tried doing that once, they were gay about it


Hockey at mil-sher tonight guys!


which goalies do we have coming tonite?

w00t finally! :smiley: