ErnGotti's 08 EvoX

Given he has no restrictions on his intake or exhaust track, he will flow more air with the same turbo. It will get hotter and hotter, but there will be more until it’s out of it’s efficiency range.


+rep 4 life.

haha. Same here, only I downshift, bury the brake, then pin it. If you want to see people get pissed off, do that! LOL

on the way to boston this year, I learned a new trick. People that were tail gaiting me, instead of the Bury the brake theory, I would turn on my washer fluid. At 70mph in my car, the washer fluid goes right over it, all over the person behind me. Then I would laugh my ass off as they would turn theirs on to clean their windshield. I would keep doing this until the dumbass’s learned to back the fuck up. One dude I did it to about 6 times, before he switched lanes LOL

I have no problem with coming to a complete stop and getting out of my car if it is not happening on a major highway. I have horrible road rage.

Thats what happens when you buy a neon.

pennies work well to …i remeber one time in my old formula i had the t-tops out and i started huckin full beers out on the mofo that was fuckin wit me lol . i was drunk so i felt justified . that was d.w.i number 2


I used to keep D batteries in the pockets of my motorcycle jacket for this reason, lol

ooooohhhhhhhhhh thats good

when the maro was on a mail order tune my a/f ratio was off the chart on nitrous , so i would just jug it real fast and blow flames out the pipes at em to lolol that changed things

So you try to justify it by tailgating ME??? What a hypocrit. You were in a Blue Murano. I Remember your antics. You acted like a total suckhole. You flashed your lights at me and swerved and passed a car at the light and it got behind you. You stopped in the oncoming lane no less to, I assume, talk to that car. Too bad I wasn’t tailgatin SHIT. There was a pearl colored 05-ish Sonata in front of me that HAPPENED to be doing 30 in a 40. So yeah I was CLOSE but definitely not tailgatin. No G6 sOn. But whatever. Believe what you will. I dont tailgate. Shortly after I got my license I had a small slow-speed rear-ending that resulted in a $500 front end repair to my own car (radiator support, radiator, hood, grill, bumper & paint) so I now have a fear of driving close to someone.

I had someone in the car with me who can vouch for this story too. So its nice of you to bring to everyones attention you are a dickhead who was in the wrong and drove recklessly because you had the wrong idea and an irish temper. Real nice.

i lovvvvve doing that. Over the summer I worked down in southern new york a lot, I would be in the support ranger and my buddy would be driving the rack truck. I would get in front of him and dump a big cup of a soda on my windshield and spray the shit out of him. He would get pissed because his wipers didnt work so well haha.

Oh snap…

Did this the other day with some black ford truck tailing me with my daughter in the car. Im little too, I would have gotten killed lol

You are a total douchebag, I flashed my lights at my cousin… not you. Sorry man, I always wondered why no one likes you – now I know why. All I am saying is don’t do that shit again, you’ve been warned.

Right… its 30 on Church Street all the way until you hit the light @ West Ave. Cool story bro, the Hyundai turned off before this happened.

You know, I don’t know why I am even bothering. I am sure you will spin it whatever way you want in order to justify yourself.


Im not trying to JUSTIFY anything. I just think you’re overreacting.

Then you and everyone else comes on here with road rage stories that could probably get them arrested because its admission to wrongdoing. Just think, what if Saratoga Police read all this shit?

Oh, and next time you got beef with me, take it up with me in private, before you make shit a public issue. There’s two sides to every story. Remember that, JaRule.