ErnGotti's 08 EvoX

I dropped out of highschool, so between you and me in comparison I think you’re the slow one. LOL

You gone through all of that education and still do the dumbest shit i’ve seen. cool.

more respect is given to the self taught and multi talented mother fuckers

Im a world traveler brah, dont get started with languages and this and that.

You know someones dumb when you call them dumb and they bring up their education history LOL

Its not how you stand by your education its how you race your education

stop bench studying

I almost spit out my coffee!!! +rep

Singh sounds like a dumb habib in his posts but he’s a really smart dude, hes hyper as fuck and you can’t understand 90% of the gibberish that comes out of his mouth but he is a ridiculously smart fucker that can absorb information and use it on the fly.

Some of the smartest and most successful people either never went to college or dropped out of high school or college. Theres only so much a school can teach you, you can know everything in every book you ever read and in some fields thats fine, but that does not mean your smart IMO.

:Idiots You annoy the SHIT out of me.

ya but yet u did so great in school but yet u were having people right your papers for ya and paying them for it hmmmm Opps that slipped out


The only words you need to know in French is “I Surrender.”




So after getting a stupid vacuum leak caused by the FPR hose popping off (which I couldn’t find right away) and a split in the BOV vacuum line, I tripped a lean code. Of course. Cleared it out, everything seems to be fine.

BUT. The car now seems like the clutch is slipping…but its not. If the clutch was slipping, the rpm’s would most likely go UP. Well they drop. After talking to Morgan at Synapse and Taylor at Moon and a couple other performance shops, and readin both evo forums, AND talking to the guy who sold me the UICP, I NEED a tune. Its not a question anymore of “getting around to it.”

The ECU is seeing the boost spikes i’m getting from the increased flow. The gauge used to read 21…then trickle down to 18psi. Now I’m spiking to 23-26 and the computer no likey. So its closing my throttle plate (drive by wire bullshit) enough to kill the flow to the turbz so it cant “overboost” so to speak. WTF.

So when is your appointment???

You shouldn’t be complaining or throwing around WTF’s, we all told you to get a tune a long time ago. You didn’t listen, you race the car and the car isn’t happy. Just a get a tune already.

It probably crankwalked.

For srs, get a solid tune and get the max power out of that car.

Big no-no not referencing boost pressure to the FPR. I know you didn’t do it on purpose and the computer probably covered for it, but I’d be checking compression to ensure nothing got hurt.

I’m not “complaining” I’m just saying its a need now instead of a desire. When I bought the car it didn’t “need” a tune. NOW it “needs” a tune.

Bieber, I’m making the appt for two weeks from today. Synpapse is several weeks out and Moon cant tune on weekends. But I know I’ll be free two weeks from today so I’m callin

Already done. Did so when I changed the spark plugs. Which, incidentally, smelled alot like burnt vodka.

why are you turning the boost up on this car? It will never hang with anything might as well leave it a lone and stop wasteing your time and money.