ErnGotti's Race Car, 94emo_xe's blown balls, and 240sx ricertalk BS.

you can buy lca’s with balljoints already pressed in for $100 both sides from fyi

they are 299.95 or some shit like that

edit. i think i might just order the ball joint, take the car apart and bring it to a tech at work and make him swap them out real quick lol

$240 lol i dont know what im talking about

fuck that haha a new ball joint is 35 ill look into aftermarket end links i need something asap cause my shit is all fucked up, when you turn left you better hold on to that wheel cause once that ball joint moves the whole car swerves haha

Sounds great, keep trying to drift with shitty ball joints and see how long it takes before you whack a curb. :crazy


Dude what exactly do you have ‘in’ your car besides rust and wire nuts?

What classifies as ‘sticky’ tires? And why would heavy wheels help anything? :rofl

Road race car :rofl

Epic fail ITT on multiple parties. Splitting thread to battlefield :rofl

I hope your wheel breaks off and you crash into a cage of hungry tigers.

…and finally…to all of you drifters:


you can run -5* of camber and zero toe and sure the inners will wear, but throw any amount of toe into the mix and (i’m looking at you sam ____/ <----your rear wheels when viewed from above :rofl)







Sorry I had a lapse of maturity there it wont happ…


Road race car!!! :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl\

Thats like me saying my Z is setup for Forumla D :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

I’d be amazed if the car could take a corner without that rats nest of wires and fail fall apart…

You’ve aparently never taken your car hard around a turn…

hey maybe I am starting a new trend with my massive toe out…super tire wear fanboi!

Soon all of the ricers will be doing it

And Erngotti, you’ve tracked you car once? How is it you know everything about car setup and handling?

He’s tracked his car?

Where the helllllll did he find someone to pass that thing in tech :rofl

Rimjobs are a powerful persuader

He has two 240sx, I don’t think the one he drives has a wire nest. The one with the RB had/has all the issues.

Yeah nothing shady going on there



Never saw under the hood, holy zipties batman! I wonder if SRS BZNS is fapping off to all the JDM Zipties :lol

My whole front bumper is held on by zipties…

Cheap 20 year old studs broke :cry:


I came for every ziptie under that hood, all in all it was a semeney mess

if i use any zipties on my car ( and i do ) they have to be a bright neon color so everyone can see them!

yea my neg camber is maxed out! i love the way it looks. i need to lower the back of the car about another half inch.