Esso, PetroCanada, Shell and Sunoco?

you might want to get your facts straight before you pull these numbers out of your ass! i know for a fact that petro-canada does not use any ethanol in their gas. you might have gotten confused as tehy were thinking of putting up to 10% in it but with their research they found out that ethanol isnt what its made out to be. and if there is water in the gas then its because of that particular gas station having water issues in their in ground tanks. Trust me i work at petro-canda and daily we have to measure our fuel and make sure there is no water in it. So in the future STFU unless you know what you rtalking about

I guess that is why I have noticed higher mileage when I fill up at Petro, and less at shell. The shell 87 has up to 10% ethanol.

Ah well, I guess I will just deal with the massive power losses from using Petro Canada. :rolleyes:

wouldn’t you feel more of a difference on a motor with less power? b/c it’s either gonna pull or not, a higher powered motor is gonna pull either way, just maybe not as much. do none of you put fi cleaner or any other additives in your gas? those NOS fuel boost can? think those work? i find the fi cleaner works if u use it every tank, gets expensive, but i notice my highway miles go up, it starts and runs better, as far as those octance boost they don’t do nothing i think. we don’t have this sunoco u talk of here, i use esso or shell, i noticed the difference inpetro, pretty crappy mileage and no power. but there is so many factors to facotr in, one of you guys might have new plugs, someone might have old plugs, gonna effect ur gas and power. air filter, stock vs k&n so many others. so to actually be able to say what does what, u would have to change ur plugs and air filter everytime u filled up to be able to really tell. put in ur car what makes it run the best. each motor is different. this is an endless battle, like the ka vs ca vs rb ect. no one has the time or the money or the equipment to put all this to the test so there’s no point in argue’n over it. shell 89 runs fine in my car. mohawlk or husky(has ethanol) seems alright on the highway for high km’s. but no power try’n to pass. esso and shell are fine. buddy sad he adjusted the timing on his ka, you wanna teach me that one???

2.5 mL of acetone for every litre of fuel you put in has a similar effect as using fuel injector cleaner with every tank, but at a fraction of the cost. I am not going to get into the other supposed benefits of acetone because people usually end up arguing.

acetone, what is that, i don’t think i’ve ever heard of it?

It is the same stuff that nail polish remover is made of. I bought a 946 mL tin of 100% acetone from home depot for like 10 bucks. It is supposed to help clean your injectors. Some people claim that it can drastically increase your fuel mileage because it helps the gas atomize easier when it is sprayed into the cylinders, leading to a more complete burn. This is all very speculative though, and noone has really ever come up with definitive proof. I researched it for a bit, and decided to just give it a shot. If nothing happens, then it was only a $10 waste. There are rumours that it can damage the rubber components of your fuel system, but tests have been carried out where they immersed the rubber components in a 10% mixture of the acetone in gas for a couple of weeks, and nothing happened. They only suggest that you put at most 0.25% in though. I don’t know, don’t take my word for any of it though. Some people claim that they get huge increases in efficiency, but to me it really seems like a huge exhaggeration and other factors are coming into play that they aren’t accounting for.

Ahhh acetone, the chemical octane booster. There’s lots of other ones too.

Someone’s been reading :wink:

mmmm, i’ll just stick with fi cleaner! lot less confusing. besides i wouldn’t feel right putting nail polish in my car!!! but whatever works i guess. if you want to notice a real difference, change your injectors. you’ll get better km and more power from any gas.

hahaha. Acetone was around for alot longer than it was used as nail polish remover. Besides, you would have to get 100% acetone, not the drug store stuff that smells pretty and is coloured pink.

Yeah, I read about some other ones like xylene also, but that is prohibitively expensive and totally negates any sort of money saving you would get from increased mileage.

It doesn’t really boost the octane by any measurable amount though, since you are adding such a tiny amount.

Anyone else try any of these things out? Just curious. I don’t expect to notice anything, and I haven’t really yet. I have a feeling that alot of the results people would experience are because of the placebo effect. They have high expectations, so they convince themselves that their car runs smoother and with more power. Or they subconciously change their driving habits which leads to much greater fuel economy. Not having a lead foot makes the biggest difference out of everything I have seen so far. Also, not being stuck in bumper to bumper traffic helps :stuck_out_tongue:

Very interesting article Im wonder why not alot of people are using acetone. Ive used acetone expensively in projects never in my car… I can tell you I would not want to put it near any rubber or plastic parts or seals or anything but apparently its been done and tested and it has no effect. Should I try this in my gas? and it interesting as putting too much will hurt gas milage.

And its interesting what he sais about alcohol and it hurting gas milage… I kinda believe him about gas companies constantly trying lube us up and aim for penetration.

if you have any blowby you will contaminate your oiling system with acetone and related compounds, which then weaken your oiling seals… might degunk the lifter area though

btw for those who don’t know, seafoam is also a solvent, but again in theory it’s fine, actual results will depend on the engine

i dont know much at all about the additives, lucky (matty) told me about it years back. “toulene” (sp?) anyone know about it?

a quick search on google i found this:

could you not just put methal hydrate or isiprophenal(sp??) fuel line antifreeze is 99.99% alcohol. i watched my buddy make oil(not motor oil) from a bottle of clean flow i think, i havn’t had to buy the stuff for a long time so i don’t remember the name exactly. do you think it would give u more power having alcohol rather then a solvent. or is this stuff you guys are talking about just another form of alcohol?

Acetone is not an alcohol, it is a ketone. It is naturally produced in the body in small quantities also. If you know people who strictly follow the Atkins DIEt, if they have an odd smell to their breath it is because they are in ketosis. Their body is forced to burn fat entirely for energy because of the low carb diet, and the end result is excess acetone in the body which is excreated through breath and urine. I know it has nothing to do with anything, just thought I would share.

(I actually know nothing about biology but I get bored at work often so I am a Wikipedia slut)

Alcohol isn’t really good for power. It contains less energy than gasoline, and can damage your gas tank lining and rubber seals if used in too high of a concentration. It’s main advantage is that it has a high octane rating. Acetone does not directly combust in the engine. According to it’s supporters, when injected into the cylinder with gasoline, the acetone molecules vibrate very quickly, which helps to ensure that the gasoline vapourizes much better, ensuring a more complete burn in the piston. The way they claim it saves gas is because now less gas is required in the cylinder to do the same job, so you can go lighter on the throttle to achieve the same result. People claim that acetone is bad because it can damage your rubber components and cause them to swell, but tests have been carried out where rubber components were soaked in super high concentrations of acetone for many weeks, and nothing happened.

Now, before people start flaming me, this is not my opinion. I am merely stating what I have read online. I am currently trying it out, and am not too optimistic, but I guess seeing will be believing. As of now, I have 230 km since my last fill up and I have roughly 5/8 of a tank left. A little higher than I usually get especially for combined city and highway driving, but the gas gauge is super inaccurate, and there could be many other factors involved.

I’ve been running shell in my mower and switchted to petro-can this year. The shell felt really sluggish and when I got into the longer grass it started to bog down. Now that i switched to petro-can it’s been mulching that long grass like a champ. I’m thinking of sticking with 91 this year and maybe going to 94, I’ll probably get 2-3 more HP.

lol great tip for all those lawnmower racers out there =]

Ever since i bought my 240 4 years ago i have used nothing but 91-94 octane. My Car is a stock 90 SOHC with Bolt ons. Do i notice a difference between gas companies? Yea sure a little mostly when i fill up with Sunoco because it runs the smoothest. For anyone questioning 91 octane fuel in a 240, that any DOHC KA recomends it right inside the gas door for maximum performance… I can understand where alot of people are coming from with this but the truth be told every car is different . I have no doubt that in some cases octane level and what company you use in certain cars/motors is rather noticeable.
The reason i continue to use high octance gas in all my vehicle’s is because after 4 years of using it i have had no problems.

the octane u use depends a lot on the car as well, i know for my accord it actually makes more power off the 87 then the 94. Why here is a simple example, basically it depends on combustion 87 is a lot easier to detonate then 94. Thats why cars with lots of pressure, high temps, and a few other factors use higher octane because it prevents from premature detonation /blown motor… just thought i would through this bit of info in… but personally i still like 94 because i find i get far less carbon build up with it.

170104268313 item # in ebay. i know there is alot of crap out there, but do you think this could possibly work, u talk about the particles in the gas with the acertone or whatever, this is suppose to seperate the particles in gas so they burn cleaner and better, also suppose keep your oil clean, helps you pass emmision and other crap, the more you hav the more it helps. its just a magent on the fuel line. works best on metal lines, not braided metal lines, but straight up metal lines. do you think something like this could work? i’m ognna buy a couple and try it out. it takes a couple tanks it says. but it’s only like 7$ anyways.

My front clip came with one…i put it on anyways but i doubt it does anything at all…its just a bunch of magnets.