ever have your licence suspended for not paying a fine?

dude are you sure you dont have 11 points now?

it’s 75 bucks per point.

so if it’s a 4pt ticket, expect a bill for another 300 bucks…

good question, I have no idea how many I actually have. I think I should call… hopefully not 11

newman, yeah it’s a 4pt ticket :tdown: fuck

is this only for speeding?

nope. any pointed violation.

Once you get 6 points, it’s a 300 dollar fine.

Every point after that is $75.

Oh after 6

fucking cunt mother fucker ass holes

after trying to complete a call to the DMV for 20mins (line was busy) I finally got thorough and was placed on hold for 15 mins. only to be told that they can’t tell me the amount of points I have.

I asked if she could at least tell me if 4 points would put me over the limit. She told me to hold on and she’d place me on a conference call with another employee. When the savage picked the phone up, she asked what it was about… I was into the 3rd or 4th word of my sentence and she interrupted and told me it’s some other dept’s thing and was instantly transfered to another number/menu.

I pressed the correct option on the phone and got a fucking busy signal.

it took every ounce of decency in me to NOT throw the fucking thing through a computer monitor

I fucking hate people


i got my license suspended jan 31, supposedly got a letter telling me that they were going to do it. i never got it, but anyways it was because of my driver assessment fee. i paid the 300 in full, now am i going to have to go through a bunch of bs?

X2, I never pay that bullshit on time.

yeah, like 16 fucking times

Got one from Cheektowaga for a seatbelt ticket I forgot about. Drove there, paid it that day, they re-instated my license on the spot. I kept copies of that letter saying it was paid and I had a license in both vehicles for over a year though, figuring if I got pulled over it might save me a trip to jail if there was a typical DMV computer glitch.

You never call the DMV. As much as it’s a pain in the ass to go down there it’s the only way you’re going to get any real answers. Not sure why you’re calling the DMV about points anyway. Not like you can change your guilty plea now. You pled guilty, mailed it in, they accepted it and now want payment. They’re not going to agree to let you plead not guilty now just because you call crying that you’ll lose your license because you have too many points.

here’s a good question…
I’ve had my liscense suspended before, It gets suspended on that very day!
But, when you pay the fine, how come it took me 6 months for it to Un-suspend?
LoL, fucking state. I think NY has the WORST Veh/traff laws in the country.
and the cops enforce them the most.

for example, on a stretch from buffalo to syracuse about 150 miles. it’s common to pass 10 statetroopers on the way. 5 doing laser and the other 5 driving with radar on.

now driving on the 90 from minnesota to Montana, I didn’t pass ONE speedtrap.

just a little food for thought

I know, I was calling to find out how many total points I had already, not to change the plea

GO to DMV. Ask for a “ABSTRACT”

Pay $10 = full history of the last 3 years on paper… on the spot.

werd, I went to do that yesterday and the awesome lady behind the counter just told me the amount of points I had… no form/$ required :tup:

She must be new and not received the DMV’s official “fuck the customer at every opportunity” training yet.

so many misspellings of LICENSE in here.

So much Love for the DMV here. LOL