every one prey

[x] http://www.myspace.com/nothing_to_start_with

Yesterday [that girl] got fucked, bad.

She was on her back in a car and got off.

I grabbed her shirt but it ripped and she rolled her eyes

She recieved 2 badly coated eye sockets and possibly a fractured hymen

The cops said I might be going to jail because she was going to to be 16, thank god

just letting u all know and even if u don’t know her please prey on her

thanks all.



[disclaimer: this is just the first sub-18 year old girl who was not private that i found on MS]


you ef’ed becks woman?


bravo :clap:

My thoughts are with you and your family ROFL


oh if I see this chick, im splooging up her nose.

Epic thread.

:lol: Well done.

OT: Myspace is so fucking weird.


My thoughts are with you and your family ROFL


:lol: :lol: :lol: +karma


i hope she doesn’t pull through

I don’t know you, but this thread made me snort

omg lol

typical newman thread-teh ghey.

I hope her friends don’t blame themselves. Ultimately she alone is responsible for her bad decisions.

How tragic, kids will never learn


In the “we all did stupid things when we were kids” category, I don’t know which is more stupid… Car surfing, or Newman. :slight_smile:

i’ve done both


In the “we all did stupid things when we were kids” category, I don’t know which is more stupid… Car surfing, or Newman. :slight_smile:


lol i was thinking that i’m glad i came out of my teenage years alive.