Everyone read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!urgent`

any real man would question such a “deal” and would think twice about handing a random dude selling shit from his van $300 cash.

i say he gets what he deserves and no one should feel sorry for this asshat.

bahahahahahah :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

he shouldve used paypal…


The thought of seeing this from 3rd person… just imagine, guy gives van driver money, van driver goes “OK great, let me just grab it for ya.”

Hops in van, engine starts and van takes off burning rubber and all :rofl

Good god I just pissed myself. :haha

Who carries $300 cash on them at all times anyway? :lol

random guy walks up to another random guy

“Yo, wanna buy this shit? $300”

“OK here ya go”

speeding off van


i confess i sold them the system. i must be a scammer. :rolleyes

i gotz a bridge in brooklyn i need to sell on the cheap. how’s two fiddy sound, gurl?

Pretty much the same thing you did actually

guys used to do that infront of best fitness in the westgate plaza. it was a system that got “rejected” by a customer and they didnt want to give it back to their bosses. they only wanted $300 so they could go drink beer and look at tits down at dicarlos

they are sooooo pushy about selling it that they offer to give you rides to the nearest atm, or to your bank so you can take out the $300 for the system.

they were arrested 3x in westgates parking lot doing it 3 years ago


your BF’s lack of brain cells isnt urgent.

Yeah he definitely deserved what he got for purchasing anything from a dude in his van in the bank parking lot.

Guys take it easy on Failicia, she’s had a rough week and we dont want her bumping old threads about Cliff.

lolz @ this thread :rofl

Brutal :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

had a guy try this on my like 4 yars ago… said it was out of a firehouse and they were moving to a new one and didn’t need it anymore… it was in the autozone parking lot in east greenbush… guy wouldn’t let me get into my car either until i looked at it… i was like ok started walking towards the van and as he went to open his sliding door i turned around and just got into my car… guy was all confused when he turned around and saw me driving away… scum bag for sure

Now that I think if it there was a guy going door to door with a semi full of shit in our neighborhood a long time ago. He tried selling my dad a grandfather clock for like a grand. My dad offered him like $20 for it :rofl

LOL, i didnt think anyone fell for the white van scam. The same guy told me the same story a couple times before. He said he was doing a house audio job and had left over.


Im not upset at all I was trying to be nice incase there was anyone on this forum stupid like my bf to do that, just a friendly warning thats all, it works and sounds ok so whatever, his loss not mine.