Everyone read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!urgent`



He said it, not me.

April fools???



i was at best buy @ x-gates yesterday walking to my car and some goofy fucks in a blue gmc safari pull up and ask me if i wanted to buy a brand new home theater system for cheap! i said no like 3 times and walked away. annoying fucks, thought it was funny tho, i shouldve given them tricias #!

This has been happening for YEARS.

Word. My buddy and I wasted a guys time for 2 hours after he stopped us in traffic trying to sell speakers. At the end we were just working out logistics for getting to the ATM and back. We said we’d be back in 25 minutes with cash since my bank was way far away and then didnt go back. Mess with em. It’s fun.


no give them my bfs number lol hes the dumbass that did it not me lol:hahai made fun of him the whole night and told all his friends what a retarded thing he did, trust me Im on all of ur’s sides lol

That guy came up to me at hess while I was getting diesel.I told him to get the f**k away from my truck or I’ll break your face with a bat.He looked like he was strung out on crack.Reckone was there with me.

haha what the fuck!