Everyone ready for warm weather?

2 inches of slush into this morning. FAIL.
warm cold warm cold im sick as a dog.

Fuck this im going ATVing this weekend!

Got about 3" in N. Buffalo

In like a lion, out like a lamb?


meh, 2 inches. should melt soon enough

this blows

wouldn’t you penis get frostbite?

Not happy about the snow but at least it didn’t really stick to the roads, and only barely stuck to my driveway.

I’m still putting on my summer tires Saturday morning.

I guess it will be cloase to 50` all next week. I hope this is the last of this garbage. Snow in April would suck

Yea it has only been high 70’s here in atl :rofl:Mini skirts and tube tops in full effect:tup: And all the lambos, vipers, porsches, aston martins dont hurt either!

some years back, it was like 60 on april first.
On april 2nd we got 5 inches of slushy shit.

I cant wait till warm weather

70 something here today…

ur a real sum bish…lol

Damn Pat, you have to forget about your brother’s Stang and help me put in a new clutch in my vert. The damn thing engages and disengages 1/5000 of an inch from the top and it’s so damn mushy it’s sickening.

looks good man :tup:

Im REALLY ready now…who wants to do some runs???

I’m always game.

Warm weather is finnaly here so im getting her done ASAP! Started to finish off the engine compartment, also test fitted 3rd gen wheels, offset is perfect so now I have something to go by when I order the billets! 255’s in the rear!