Eviction lawyers?


That would be awesome. You worked valet with me? Who are you? lol

If anyone would like to help next Sunday the 21st, I’ll provide food, pop, beer, and possibly blumpkins!
Just tell me who is in, so I know how much to buy.

Brandon Olin, I started in September and worked til February or so.

J Lapp said I looked like Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother, lol.

Bump, headed to the house tonight to install a ceiling fan, do some other things. Someone broke in and stole the copper. I’m giving up on this property.
Anyone want a 5 bedroom house for $10k?


Where is it? East side?

Sadly this came true and then some. Tolerating this type of shit is why our country is fucked. It’s why there is such a thing as the “ghetto”.
I’m sorry you had the experience you did and hope all scumbags of all race/religion etc… choke on a dick and die. The shit she did was ABSURD and to act like a rabid animal should lead to you being put down.

Its in the vicinity of the lovely Club Chit-Chat :wink:
Conveniently located near shitty titties, someone has to want this.


Whichever direction it is from there makes a big difference. I’m imagining it’s toward Fillmore, not East down Clinton.

Did those “people” also feel it ok to flush cigarette butts (newport 100s) down the toilet?