Eviction lawyers?

NYSpeed cleanup meet?

In for this. We can do heaters right next to the police station!

I am super busy for the next week or so but I am deff in for giving you a day of work to help ya out. I will minimally come drink beer and tell you how pretty your eyes are.

Kev you need any help when your back im free every Wed, and Sat. id be more then happy to help clean up and repair shit

Insurance paying for it? Or is it all coming out of pocket?
and I’m sure if a name happened to get dropped somewhere…
Things about her may turn up.
as things tend to do.


That alone is worth it :wink:

Deal <3

All out of pocket. The insurance company wanted repairs made by a date prior to eviction, she wouldn’t allow me on my own property to make repairs. The cops failed at life, even after she ripped the hose connection from the side of the house during the winter and turned my house/yard into a skating rink. I’ve looked for her online with no success. =[ Post office, electric, and gas company would not give me her new address, I told them she left some of her belongings and I was trying to contact her :wink:

I <3 you as well.

NYSpeed BBQ, pt 1.5? Meat and modifications? Cleaning and cheeseburgers?

If she has a driver’s license or owns a car you can likely get a current address and information on any cars they own from the DMV if you have a legitimate use for it (i.e., collecting on a judgement or having her served). Form DMV-15.

Use the form to get an address, use that address to take her to court, then use the address and car title info to have her car(s) seized and auctioned by the city marshalls to satisfy the judgement. Judgements are good for something like 20 years iirc, so get one now and sit on it for a few years until she has an asset worth seizing.

I know this from pursuing a small claims case, ymmv due to the larger dollar amount being involved.

She has Louisiana plates and a California license… Do the DMVs work with other state DMVs, or am I restricted to good ol’ NYS?

I’d suggest finding the corresponding forms for LA and CA.

There’s actually a requirement in NY to register your car here after you’ve lived here for a certain amount of time. Sounds to me like this person fails at life every chance she gets. Sucks that you got mixed up with that kind of stupidity.

yea, i have a lady and her kid living next door to me for 3 years now, still has out of state plates on her car

Professional squatter, who knew. Seems to have all her bases covered.


I would be willing to lend a hand. I’m pretty handy and I can work well for hours on end.

I don’t know you but reading the story makes me feel pretty pissed and would be willing to help as well if you need it. I’m off weekends just let me know.

I’ll help too :slight_smile:

Lesson: There are always cons to making fast money. No matter if its selling drugs or buying foreclosed properties. I paid 129,000 for my 4 unit in the burbs for a reason. I dont have to rent to scumbag nags. My tenants consist of the elderly and newlyweds. Pay the money up front and you will reap thie benefits.

There is a reason those foreclosures go so cheap.

Destroying houses/apts is an odd artform of these Africans.

Being an ignorant/racist dick is a interesting choice for these caucasians…im glad i missed this gem 6 months ago but alas i was lucky enough to find it now and to see the return of purextc after a 6 months hiatus so he could bless me with his ingenious ideolegy…I am a lucky guy

Guys racism WILL NOT be tolerated. FINAL WARNING!

Though I have been known to make an offhand racist joke, some of these have been pretty bad. When you’re with friends who have the same sense of humor it’s one thing, but this is a pretty big forum with a lot of people who don’t feel the same way.

That having been said. Itsover, I think I worked with you at valet for awhile. Let me know if you need any help fixing things up. My brother bought a house a year ago that we completely fixed up, so I’ve become pretty handy at these things.