EVO Tuning?

the nose dive explains it all.

What does that mean?

I want to see mark drive your sti down the track…

that much weight transfer means you=slow

lol time to just scrap the STi?

More like time for you to shift fast enough that the blow off doesn’t go off and the nose doesn’t drop like a turkey from a helicopter.

No time you go practice shifting so that you are fast enough to keep up with the car

I’m taking a break during tuning my 4th car of the day and just got to read this. I have nothing to say to STM, but since SUPERLOUDSTI has been our customer for the last year or so, I’ll gladly respond to him.

You just posted a video of you driving our tune with flat shifting turned on…but you’re not flat shifting. The sound you call “stuttering” is called a rev limiter. It is engaged by the clutch pedal. That’s what allows the car to be flat shifted. You’re taking your foot off the gas, then getting back on the gas before you’re all the way off the clutch pedal, so the rev limiter is still in place. It bounces off the rev limiter until you take your foot all the way off the clutch. That’s not a hesitation or misfire…it’s a rev limiter. Anyone watching that video can tell this. The switch for flat shifting is on the stock cruise control switch which is activated if the pedal is touched at all. That’s so you can flat shift by barely tapping the clutch pedal, which is the proper way to do it. We’ve been over this, but I’d be happy to go over it again.

I’ve been nothing but supportive of you over the years, gone well out of our way for you on numerous occasions and ate crow and said that for your second time ever at a drag strip, running 12’s isn’t bad at all despite it making us look bad unjustly. Now we’re at a point where you’re bashing our shop publicly because we built a car that you cannot drive well enough to show what the car can do.

Here’s the video you had me take on the dyno where I properly flat shifted your car from 3rd to 4th gear. Notice the difference betweeen my shifting and yours? Yes yes I missed 5th gear…I’m not perfect. :wink: I shifted 2nd to 3rd normally. You can hear and see the difference. When I flat shifted, it was so quick that the tires chirped and you can see some tire smoke. If it was my car I would have shifted even quicker.

Here’s one of me flat shifting Jason’s STI from 2nd to 3rd the one pass I drove in that car. Nevermind the visible laying of rubber from tons of wheelspin with less power than SUPERLOUDSTI has.

It’s disappointing that one of our customers was swindled by another shop into thinking there’s something wrong with their car when it’s perfectly fine. It’s also disappointing that the shop used this opportunity to view my AEM EMS mapping which I put a lot of time into for my customers.

A ton of us watched STM’s front facing GT35R car run 13’s the one day a bunch of NYSpeeders went to NYIRP this year (about a month ago) with the owner driving, but I didn’t approach that guy and tell him his car was built wrong. Emery got in and promptly ran an 11 second pass. That’s no different than your STI SUPERLOUD. Both cars made good power, but neither ET’d or trapped well with the car owners driving. Both car owners need more practice and I’m sure both cars will run quick times with the owners at the wheel in the future.

I’m upset that you gave away my AEM EMS mapping to a rival shop, but when the smoke clears and you realize what really happened here…you know where to find us.

What he’s saying is that you’re shifting slow enough that the nose of the car dives down, then picks back up when the turbo starts to spool back up after you finish the shift. When the car is shifted properly, this doesn’t happen. The nose stays up. You can see this in videos of 9-10 seconds STIs because to go that fast you generally have to drive well.


SuperloudSTI you really need to work on the driving IMO especially from watching the videos. I am not really close with either STM or Innovative but I will say I am pretty confident that a little bird has been chirping some BS in your ear about the tune. My last setup over 3 years of track time I went from 11.8 @ 128 to 10.3 @ 136. This was 100% the same setup but it was my first fast car I drag raced. It took me 3 years and I would go to the track 1-2 times a month and I would get a little quicker each time. Driving a car down the track to its potential takes knowledge, skill, and PRACTICE. But for real if I was trying to get you to jump ship on your shop you bet your ass I would not say any of that. It would deff be the other shops fault. Jus sayin

I couldn’t agree more. I see this type of bs all the time.

sounds like emery seen superloudsti had a fat wallet and wanted some of that action :wink:

Since this must come out.

Mike, In no way do I even consider you to be on the same level as us. Your maps, I do look at them and they do nothing but give me/us a great laugh. I have been saying for some time now that I would post them online but I dont want to be the one to show you what you are doing wrong. I think its great that you will tune any car that comes to you even though you have only owned a subaru. Basicaly you learn on your customers cars. How in the world is that safe or even ok to charge for?

We are not only good at Evo’s and DSM, We are great. And now we are stepping into the subaru world just so we can embarass you in your own comfort zone.

As far as James car running slow the day you were there, His two step was set real low so he could not launch the car (my fault). Even with that his car still trapped 122 so that brings back up my original point. MPH= HP and driving = ET… You also thought that antilag was his car blowing up hence, the threads where everyone was talking about how it blew up when it clearly ran its fastest time that night after that pass…

Bottom line is, I’m tired of fixing your fuck ups. Learn how an engine works.


You are super right, Thats Why I asked him to get his car out of my shop atleast 20 times… He kinda insists after seeing results that it needs to be here.

ha ha, you ever figure out how a tps sensor works emery?

Also, In no way am I talking shit to anyone at Mikes shop because from all the work I have seen its clear that Mike is the weekest link…


Em do you really think Mike does not have the same to say about you? Really I personally think you lack a certain amount of professionalism expected in a business owner and that is why so many people here seem to not like you all that much.

lets inject some more hate!


But seriously, i think Mike (EVOLUTION MR) is all the proof you need, Klemann for the m’fin win

Wow. From a 3rd person perspective… Emery, you’re a fucking dick.

And SuperloudSTi, you may want to consider either an automatic or DSG car as your next choice.


In terms of professionalism, the same could be said about you, and how come you cant defend yourself about something as easy as checking tps to fix a problem?