EVO Tuning?

lol @ making fake SN’s to talk shit


I don’t really know anything first hand about Emery aside from what I have seen posted on here.

Emery, can you give some of the guys who are new to your demeanor a little time line(coming up from start to finish and any training/certs) on how ended up STM and such a prestigious tuner. I ask out of pure ignorance…

If you shift the way this STi kid is shifting, MPH and ET are thrown out the window.

Emery you really are a joke. From an outsider looking in, I’m embarassed at the way you present yourself infront of your target audience. As it ALWAYS does in business (I know you think you’ve got it figured out with all 2 years on your own), I gaurantee this comes back to bite you on the ass. Truly the “unclassiest” businessman I’ve ever witnessed. Results or no results, you’re a pretty big douche

You are clearly not smart at all…Why didnt you just tune the car if you know so much.

I’m sure my professionalism sucks, But Im pretty sure thats why I build race cars for a living and dont hand out money at a bank. Ever seen anyone work on cars in a suit and tie? I know you are all mad at me because I speak whats on my mind, But I dont care at all. If you dont like it, go somewhere else. Im not here to give you a reach around.


It was stuttering between shifts 1st to 3rd I don’t flat foot shift those gears how the hell I shift fast when it’s stuttering. You want to drive it? I let my friend drive it Dino he used to have a 04 BlackSTI he was having the same problem stuttering between shifts in my car and he is a great driver.

Man I feel sorry for your outlook man. That is not how a mature adult should think or even say things. You should have enough pride and respect for yourself to want to conduct yourself in a respectable manner no matter who you are.

This from the guy who posts graphs of cars detonating on the dyno and blames it on stretching straps?

Or was this the guy who claimed he had brake fade and almost drove off the shut down road at NYIRP in a single pass?

Oh wait, same guy.

Sounds like he knows his automotive jargon!



This so far has been the best reason to be woken up at midnight ever. Maybe a battle of the two shops cars is in order? The ricer V what ever innovative has. Not to be rude I just don’t really know much about you other then some guy mentioning you to me last winter.

Hey emery, what happens when your bitch leaves you?

No more evo, no more shop. No more internet balls.

and im the one who isnt smart, yet when justins car was only reading 60% throttle (with pedal to the floor) i recommended checking the tps voltage, and checking to see if the throttle plate was opening all the way, yet all you did was take off the pedal stop (got caught on floor and was hitting rev limit for awhile) and then adjusting it in dsm link to read 100% even though when we physically checked the throttle body a couple weeks later it was only opening a little over halfway, 10 mins later after adjusting the cables we had it opening 100% the RIGHT WAY

i dont tune cars although i know what parts do, how to diagnose them etc etc, i also know how to act like a professional (13 credits shy of 2 business degrees and professional automotive training certs)

you dont have to wear a tie and suit to act professional…

Relax with the completely personal insults.

Insult with dynographs and car related shit. Stop calling girls a bitch, stop bringing other dirty laundry in.

Final warning.

I’m sorry, shawna is a very nice person, and i respect everything that she does


but emery sucks

we fly in tom klemman to do our tuning

agrees and disagrees in these statements
tom retuned my car from my original emery stm tune
within 10 minutes of tweaking tom made my car feel 100 times better
and have afrs that were not off the uego on the rich side
not saying that stm cant tune
emery can do good work and i give him credit to all the work he puts into his cars to make them what they are
however i feel that he doesnt put in all the same effort to every car imo
i wasn’t happy with my emery tune and i went to someone else who
emery offered to fix it and thats great and all, just wasnt worth my trip when tom was in town and offered to fix mine
my car definitely feels better though… but then again what do i know since my car should be running 12.3 bone stock with nothing done to it :shrug:

i never had a problem with emery or any of his crew
but i must say lately there has been a ton of immaturity going on and thats a big turn off to wanting to do business there ever again :tdown:

and you should be in the 10s with your mods
but your not because you cant drive
maybe you should learn to drive, then come talk
since you run slower then him, and lose to marks evo when he had an exhaust intake and tune on it…

I’m glad Tom fixed your car. Tom and I are great friends. You seem like a good guy and I am sorry that I didnt work out for you. I would have loved to fix it but was not given the chance and I understand why. Since I have tuned your car I have learned sooooo much and I am a lot better at what I do now. With the dyno being here it is amazing what you get to learn. Everyone starts somewhere and the people who think they know everything are the ones who dont move forward. I have a lot to learn and am giving it my best on a daily basis. Im just fed up with all the people hiding and all the shit talking that goes on behind peoples backs. Its funny that I am the bad guy because I do it out in the open…


Oh, so you are learning how to tune on customers cars?

That’s good.

You do it over the INTERNET :picard:
lol @ mpd

hipocrit much?

woah, shit got heated!

gotta say, personally, mike is a stand up guy. even though I’ve only spent like $10 @ innovative for vac lines he offered his help for me when I was stuck in the area. and for that, he is ok in my book.

emery, never met you, and i’ll never own a dsm, but dude… srsly. you come off as a fucking dick. not someone I would want to do business with.