EVO wont start

I would pull a plug to see if you getting fuel or not, then go from there.

Edit:Or if you have a shrader valve on the fuel rail push the pin down to see if you have fuel pressure

actually this is probably the case.

hence the reason they make that dry gas shit. my old old old honda used to do this on really cold days.

You might want to replace the points while you are at it :shrug:

with only 12k on the stockplugs?

whats this shreder Valve?

shrader valve would be on the end of a fuel rail…it pushes a pinhole in… (pinhole that puel psi keeps the ball out, preventing fuel from leaking. u push it in, fuel should squirt out)

shrader valve looks like the valve on your tire that you use to fill it with air.

nope no shrader valve.

But I pulled the return line and fuel spit out when I turn the key. so fuel to fuel rail.

Next I pulled the plastic motor cover, pulled a plug wire, put my inline tester in and again turned the key I’ve got spark.

so ive got fuel and spark but still nothin.

Did you try flooring the gas while cranking for say 4 seconds or so? The pedal has to be all the way on the floor.

Do that…then start the car normally.


im sure this PAINFULLY obvious, but ive had it happen to me before so i figure id suggest it…

i know on most stick cars, u gotta have the clutch ALL the way down or it wont start. make sure the floormat isnt bunched up underneath the clutch pedal, which would prevent it from being pushed all the way down.

it wouldnt be turning over if that was the case :smash2:

my porsche would turn over, just wouldnt fire :gotme:

you are sure cocky in this thread for someone who couldent even get a t-bolt clamp lose. when i had to did it wearing a pink shirt.

man these cars have been out for a while, and just now they’re finally living up to their rep as a DSM.

:lol: just playin…sorry to hear you’re already having problems man…you got all winter to work it out though…

Buy a LS1?

ughhh… ya, the clamp was fucked…and it blew off immediately right after it was “fixed” as i imagined it would. what does that have to do with anything. u were able to muscle it free… congradulations, want a cookie or medal? hows ur car

how is anything i said “cocky”?

you said something stupid (sorry, but it was), about injectors getting used to weather. i jokingly, in a “friendly” manner laughed about it. i was hardly harsh or “cocky”.

then i said something about stick cars no turning over at all when the clutch isnt to the floor. in my experience, in MANY different makes and models, in many different forms of vehicle (many cars, trucks, tractor trailors, semis, forklifts, tractors), that is the case. i may have been wrong, i admit it. i wasnt being cocky.


the last thing i wana do is get into all this bullshit drama throughout the winter…

no need for that.

anyway. Ill try the flooring it. then craking, the battery is getting low, so I think Ill have to grab the jump box.

and its deffinantly not the clutch issue. evos have to be all the way on the floor before it even trys to turn over.

I smell fuel for sure under there tho and its back fired once. so I think its getting gas. I reaally want it put away this sucks.

im sorry but if you drove an evo, why would you not watn to drive it in the winter?

same reason you don’t want to drive a 10 year old 4 door sedan in the winter?

Definitely try the jump box. If the voltage is too low larger/slower injectors may not open at all despite everything else seeming ok.

You smell gas? You probably flooded the chamber, soak that shit up.