EX GF thread gone

So if you didn’t rat (hypothetically)

Who else knows her? or how did she know?

Resend that PM cause I got nothing btw.

Did she tell you how she knew?

Because if the only link to the website other than the BF is you, how the hell would she know?

Edit: So she contacted you saying stop talking to the Z06 guy and she knows the pictures were up?? Out of the blue?? I need that PM bro.

snitches get stitches?

This is fucking insane.

Did you really just compare someones car to nude photo of your CURRENT girlfriend?

Pm fail :rofl

I mean is it possible for said girl to go on her bf’s account because he didn’t log out? I know I never log out of my account at home but the only person who has access to it is my fiance.

just sent it, but basically yep, she said she knew that there was arguing, why else would she respond to my txt “why does your bf want to beat me up” with “johnny, you need to stop talking about me and him now” that was the first interaction between me and her… I asked why he wants to kill me… She responds already knowing about the thread

edit for the record, never was i talking about her or slowzo6 just made a comment… :headscratch

Highly doubt it.

It’s seems that somebody contacted her.

So we need to know how she knew about the thread is that it all boils down to.

If she says JohnnyK, it’s bad. If she said she read it on the forum (somehow) then Z06 over reacted.

yes you shouldn’t unless its on a track. your sense of ethics are out of whack, but yes similar except no one would be looking at your gf naked

johny take a screen shot on your phone and post up.

well considering she contacted me by phone call at 4:22 Sunday she must have had known about it

i think at that point we didnt even had an argument on shift in the thread… that means that she knew about the thread before he responded to my initial comment

what do you want a screen shot of?


She called you because i asked her what you meant by “encounter” and wanted to kno wtf the deal was. You called her back after u didnt answer ur phone

screen shot of your outgoing/incoming calls

I guess it’s pretty obvious that YOU told her about YOU posting her pics.


Seems like we may have our answer.



I don’t see any issues with the dude posting pics of his nekkid woman.