ex smokers come in

I smoked for about 6-7 years, usually a pack every 2 days, but went through some rough shit in 2007 and I was up to 2 packs a day. One day in late January of 08 I smoked my last cigarette.Just ran out of them ,and out of no where I said fuck it im done with it for no reason.I didn’t use patches, pills, gum or anything. Cold turkey is honestly the best and only truly effective way to do it. It was shitty for the first 2 weeks but then after that i just started chewing gum or eating mints when ever id usually smoke and it did the job.Im not going to lie the true cravings and desire to smoke doesn’t leave for you for at least 2-3 months, while drinking especially. But then after that the smell and thought of smoking makes you sick

I was prescribed that chantix pill from my doctor but never took it because it causes severe suicidal thoughts and depression.V theres one linkV
