ex smokers come in

i just said fuck it im done smoking. so since january 1 i havent had one.

It starts out with 1 pill a day for a few days, then it goes to twice a day, then to a stronger pill twice a day. it builds up over the first 2 weeks. i was starting the 2nd week of the full dose when i crashed or whatever.

Agree with the “do it for yourself” crew. Otherwise, you’ll eventually just say “fuck it” and go back on, plus you’ll cheat here and there.

The Chantix starts off as a .5mg pill once daily for a week, in which you can smoke as much as you’d like - you’re building up. After a week, you go to two .5mg pills, quit, and the next week is two 1mg per day until whenever. Think it’s supposed to be two to three months.

My main reason for getting off the pills was it made me very sleepy. I had great, vivid dreams, no other effects, adverse or otherwise.

Glad to see us fucksticks doing this and getting rid of that shit. :tup: I smoked for 13 years and I am done. Worst decision I had ever made was starting in school.

ive tried and failed a few times. doesnt help that everyone in my shop at work smokes so im always around it.

it was easy for me to quit, i did it by going cold turkey. the only time i really have a craving for one is when im drinking really really heavy.

My wife and I just quit 2 weeks ago.

She was a heavy smoker for 15+ years so she got the chantix script, and I went cold turkey. She hasn’t had any ill side affects as far as nausea or vivid dreams or anything like that. Fucking miracle drug of you ask me.

Well…my biggest problem with quitting is that I have Tourettes syndrome. It is not really that bad anymore (depending on how stressed I am), but nicotine helps. Tourettes is when your body overproduces dopamine and when you smoke, the nicotine opens more dopamine receptors in your brain, hence it makes the effects of having Tourettes much less. Unfortunately, in retrospect, whenever I try to quit, it makes the Tourettes act up like off the charts. It gets to the point where I don’t care anymore and start smoking again. I’ve tried using the patch and gum and shit but it always gives me acid reflux and makes me nauseous as fuck all the time.

+1 here.

^ Yes, because technically, you are riding ass. :wink:

Nick, why’d you start back up?

I wonder, of those that quit, how many have cheated and had a few here and there?

my last smoke was april 17th, 07.

Y’know, I really thought I would, but I haven’t. I am drinking more when I go out though :stuck_out_tongue:

Gave it up cold turkey. After hearing how bad my grandfather suffered with lung cancer, and knowing there is a genetic link, I just stopped. I did eat sunflower seeds for a while. But salt and spitting hulls seemed just as bad a habit as smoking. A good friend quit by buying the cheapest, nastiest cigar he could find. Every time he felt the urge, he would light that same cigar. After a week or so the thought of smoking just turned him off because he would think of how shitty that cigar tasted. Hey, whatever works, just quit!

quitting is easy i do it in between every smoke


Oh, for a really dumb reason. Well, I guess any reason would be dumb but eh…

The October Storm - we were down too, but we had an extra 6-8 people crashing at our house (we had heat), and after about 4 days of that… well.

That’s basically how I started, moved in with a bunch of smokers when I was seventeen, and “poof”, literally. :sword:

oh no, we didn’t allow smoking in the house, cause I hate going into someones house and it reeks.

I just got fed up with being pent up with everyone in a ~1100 sq ft house for 4 days with no lights, no distractions, and eating whatever was going to “go bad next”… lol. I couldn’t even go to the garage for peace, cause there was even less to do out there and it was cold. Sheer frustration.

Which reminds me… I still need to wire up the fuse box in the this house for the generator that I need to get. :lol:

ugh, way more disgusting than smoking IMO. My roommate quit smoking by starting to chew :bloated:

well then sir i would say do not quit. smoke and be happy! :carnut

but seriously, if smoking is helping your Tourettes then quiting will cancel any health benefits out, considering you are trading one sickness for another. imo if you like to smoke then do it. if you can handle your Tourettes and want to breath better and live longer then quit but who knows maybe there will be a cure by the time you need it (for either sickness)

It’s harder to quit chewing than to quit smoking.