exaust ticket


ahh word…well wish me luck boys :meh:

oh, and do you have to pay fines that night, or do they mail it to you?

either or.

give brian the car and you wouldnt have this problem haha

im waiting on the car i want to buy to be ready:bloated:…then its his lol

Lets stay on topic mmkay boys? Talk about prom tux rental bullshit in OT.

experience Like others have posted, dress like an interview, judge WILL notice and take into consideration. Look scared, intimidated, facked. IT makes them feel more impowered and makes you appear to have “learned your lesson”.
Lastly, work a “deal” with them on the speeding ticket. Tell them you’ll pay more if you can go without points. All they care about (for the most part) is the money anyways. You ~could~ fix the exhaust and just pay the surcharge.
Good luck, and let off the gas/or be light on the gas next time a cop goes by. lol

lol thanks