exaust ticket

anyone know what a “modified muffler” ticket will end up costing me? it was in West Seneca btw. thanks.

prob no more than 75

dude them tickets are jokes and bullshit you know you should fight it, if motorcycles can be loud why can’t cars, remember rob broada fought that fart can ticket and won:carnut

im not fighting shit…i got 2 tickets same day/same judge, i aint gunna fight the man…i wanna get out of there with no points!

this is a non point violation. who gives a fuck.

you won’t get points for exhaust. it’s west seneca. show up on time, be nice, polite, honest, etc. they’ll let you off easy.

well i have a speeding ticket pending as well, all on the 11th…60 in a 45, plus that ticket on the same day…u think ill be all good?

wear something nice ( ie: not jeans ) and be polite and the exhaust ticket will probably be dropped and they’ll reduce your speeding ticket to maybe a few parking tickets.

lol, khakis, and a collared shirt?

I’d rent a tux.

lmao, for real man i need help here!

dude i’ll come with you if you want i got out of my speeding ticket remember 60 in a 30, i told them i was poor and they gave me a $50 class to attend:carnut

lol word thats funny shit right there, he couldn’t afford a tux for prom…:thankyou:

Look “nice”, be polite. Pretend it’s a job interview or something. From what I’ve noticed if you’re young and it looks like you’re not taking court “seriously”, they will SRSLY dish out the fines

ok, thanks for the advice.

Found out first hand.:spank:

at least you didnt get 2 tickets your first 2 times to southgate…:fail:

No but I got 2 large speeding tickets in 2 days.
87 in a 55 and a 91 in a 55.

fuck. were those in your gti?

My old GTI