Ticket Cost

Driving down sheridan, stop next to a police car at a light, drive up 50 feet form the light, he cuts behind me and throws the lights on. Walks up, do you know why I pulled you over. I say obviously not since i was going about 20mph at the time. He says, think your muffler is a little loud? Granted I have a cat-back (yes a fucking cat-back not even a downpipe). Yet there is a fucking harley in the lane next to me, I couldn’t even hear my car with my windows down what so ever. He says well you shook my car as you drove by. I ask if he is sure it was not from the loud ass harley they was right next to me, which, of course, it was not. :bloated:

He then proceeds to write me a ticker for exhaust and tint, depsite the fact my windows were rolled down :bloated::bloated::bloated:

Anyways, wtf is the cost of these two tickets (town of tonawanda) I am not taking my tint off so I have to deal with fucking glue and shit on the windows, but I will swap my exhaust out for inspection.

Tint ticket probably like 75-100 bucks. Did he meter it? I got mine metered the other day but got let off.

I’d say swap off the exhaust and you should get it tossed.

yea, swapping out exhaust gets rid of one ticket, he metered my tint, it is def too dark.

fucking bullshit though, my windows weren’t even up

Mine got metered at 15 he said 75 was needed for legal. He goes “its very illegal, but I got called to the scene so just be aware that you can get a ticket”

oh nevermind… did not realize it needs to be swapped out by sunset tomorrow… I don’t have fucking time to swap my exhaust out tonight and I work all day.

This is :gay:

I have no problem getting a ticket for doing something stupid, blehhh

your wing must have scared him so he need to get even.

Probably did, but he has way more rice than I do… strobessssss evvverywhere

Besides mine is stock rice, not aftermarket like his

well in that case tell them your epileptic and when he turned his lights on you almost went into convulsions.

has nothing to do with your issue i know but it would be funny to see his reaction if you said that. just start shaking really hard when he approaches.

So if my headlights are smashed and I’m only driving in the daytime that’s legal too right? Makes about as much sense as your having your illegally tinted windows down. Like you’re not going to roll them up tonight when it starts raining.

Real simple, lose the tint, put a quiet exhaust on, have police leave you alone.

but why spend more money to take both off then the tickets are worth?

ehh, cant get too mad about it if u know its illegal. that doesnt make it suck any less tho.


but why spend more money to take both off then the tickets are worth?


Multiple occurences add up. If you don’t care then its not a problem.

do what i did there. show up in a completly different vehicle and tell them u got the things wrpng fixed/removed but the vehicles in the shop they dismissed mine and told me to go home


but why spend more money to take both off then the tickets are worth?


once you get 3 tickets for the same tint in 3 weeks that will change your mind…i did…also even after that i took the tint off they stoped me the following week…i guess all the cops in amherst were aware of my car…either that or racial profiling…

how about just not doing anything worthy of getting pulled over?
im not saying this guy deserved his but the kind of cars you all drive DO attract the wrong kind of attention it happens ya know.

but yeah that is shitty that you got tickets for stupid shit that a harley probably did cause

I forget how perfect we all are on this board :bloated:

:tdown: mang…bust some axis spins in their lot and call it a day.

Fuck da Police!


So if my headlights are smashed and I’m only driving in the daytime that’s legal too right? Makes about as much sense as your having your illegally tinted windows down. Like you’re not going to roll them up tonight when it starts raining.

Real simple, lose the tint, put a quiet exhaust on, have police leave you alone.


I did not say my tint was legal. I said he could not see it so how did he pull me over for it.

Secondly, I doubt my exhaust is illegal either, it is quieter than plenty of V8’s stock.

Thirdly, I am asking how much the tickets are, not how to get out of them.


I forget how perfect we all are on this board :bloated:


seriously. how many of you have aftermarket exhausts? Technically, any exhaust that is any louder than stock is illegal.

I hope you don’t get raped too badly Jim.


I did not say my tint was legal. I said he could not see it so how did he pull me over for it.

Secondly, I doubt my exhaust is illegal either, it is quieter than plenty of V8’s stock.

Thirdly, I am asking how much the tickets are, not how to get out of them.


He didn’t pull you over for the tints, but once he had you pulled over I’m sure he could tell.

And yes, your exhaust is illegal. If it’s 1db louder than the stock exhaust, it’s illegal. This has been covered a bunch of times, do a search for it. The law does not say, “as long as it’s as quiet as a stock Vette”. It says, “Anything louder than stock for that specfic model”.

But, whatever. Good luck with it. At least when you’re done, if you don’t change anything on your car, you’ll know how much it’s going to cost the next time you’re pulled over. :slight_smile:

All he wants to know is how much the tickets will fucking be. GOD.

the posts should have NUMBERS in them, not commentary from people up on a soapbox