Exhaust Dbp... Idea

Well guys, after going through the hassle of paying 270$ to unimpound and tow my car, i think we should make a petition on making a slip where you go to some shop and they test your dbp, and make you a slip, and whenever the cops pull you over for excessive noise or(noise polution) you can show them the slip which states that this car, and muffler is legal in canada. Please add info here and maybe we really can get something done.

They dont go by dbp in Canada I already asked a copper.

o… couldnt we get a slip that says the muffler is legal?

Unforunately, the topic of excessive noise in Canada is “up to the officers discretion”. So, you’re pretty much screwed if you have any kind of aftermarket exhaust.

Honestly like I said in the other thread when they pull you over and say your exhaust is illeagal just say can I ask why? If he says this and that just tell him you have a resonator a catalytic convertor and everything should be fine. A cop tried to tell me my exhaust was illeagal I have a Blitz Nur spec R 3" to 4" tip and I told him I have a cat and a resonator so my exhaust is completely leagal and guess what he stuttered for a bit and than said ok ill just give you a warning slip than…so in conclusion cops dont know shit about cars and they try and test you too if your dumb than you get a ticket if you out smart them than you get a warning…dumb pigs

I tried that once. Bitch pig looked at me all confused and told me that doesn’t matter. The car still outputs more noise than stock.

Yea In canada, theres no where in the law that says a maximum Db level for a car…

In My eclipse I had a muffler ticket. I took it to court and fought it. I won by asking the cop what was wrong with my muffler AS i got a IMPROPER MUFFLER fine. he said it was to loud. I then said ok… do you have any proof that it was loud other then ur ears? he said no i then asked him OK so its just your opinion that my car is too loud? he then said well… ughh yes… I then said well isnt court suppose to be a matter of fact not a matter of opionin? the judge dropped the charge. and i walked out laughing at the cop,…

I don’t think the cop cared if you got your ticket dropped. He gave out the ticket to fill his quota. He also got paid to appear in court. In fact, he should be laughing at you since he wasted your time.

With cops there is no quota, there was at a few sations around the gta, for reasons of going home early and when there pay goes under review for a raise, But all that was dropped like 2 years ago because they found cops to be going exsesive with tickets. And most the time cops have to show up to court on there day off.

Exactly Thanks Jspec Dan. This cop was definitly not too happy. and yea… I just thought it was kind of funny as when he handed it to me he said if i take it to court theres no chance of me winning. but i did…

wait so cops dont have quotas to fill??!!
I never knew that

Yea they do they were saying they cant answer that question when the press or whatever asked them.

i got an ticket for my muffler too. i had mu exhaust done at zoro and i showed the cop my reciept and the certificate saying the muffler is 100% street legal. the cops simply said, and i quote “i dont care if God installed ur exhaust. mufflers are for making a car qiet, urs makes it louder which is in violation of the highway traffic act, heres your ticket, fix the mufler” my recomendation is just keep payin the tickets. thats what i plan on doing

sad part is we can’t do shit about stopping this law, cause its such a good cash grab and it only happens to us, who are pretty much powerless when it comes to legal issues.

I have a pretty loud car, but a good portion of the exotics I see driving around have aftermarket exhausts, that are loud as hell, substantially louder than my 3" turbo back, sans cat. I wonder how many of them get ticketed…

They do not!!! Only young people get exhust tickets!!! My mom car has an exhust system for the past 7 years, one day she got a ticket, the cop said he thought it was a guy driving and gave her the ticket and told her do not worry I will not show up, and he did not.

Guys do not pay any tickets, I paid one and a few insurance companies will not cover me, if you have more than 3 tickets!!! (including none moving violations) and others insurance companies ask you how many parking tickets you have

I have 3 tickets, 2 speeding 1 exhust