Exhaust Help

cant see :frowning:

Yeah Sam (Car Ramrod) and I have been going to the gym a lot, and I just got back from a 3 month vacation in the Caribbean so I’m tan and JACKED now.

that sucks because its pretty funny, i was on the phone and was cracking up :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

see my man Kris at Govel welding

or the always happy, Harold at HNH

so should i take weight loss help from u or E?

and possibly looks like you’re in the military too by the dog tags??? :slight_smile:

Sorry not rehosting that one ha

just go back and look at it later :slight_smile:

Yeah special forces, I jump out of planes and kill people, AKA Badass :rofl

awww are you trying to impress me??? <not working :-p> :haha

No, I have a girlfriend. You can’t lick all the lollipops you see! :lol

:lol nd who said I wanted to??? One man girl thanks :-p :lmao

ha I can smell it… oh wait that’s some curry shit a coworker is reheating http://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/extra2/puke3.gif

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl to the icon thingy ahahahahahhahahahhahahahaha

Ahhhh my eyes they keep looking at your eyes then going to the boobs :wtf

celica gurl, if you have dave weld up your shit your car will sound THIS good :excited

I thought that was one of my sweetest welds yet. looks even better than the welds i threw down on the turbo for psi2hi and hatfield yesterday huh cupcake !!

nice :slight_smile: and the names Amanda, not celica girl hahaha :lol

wait, didnt amanda say we would get more pics?

Yup waiting still