Exhaust Help


pics or ban? :lol

worst thread ever. thank you steve for redeeming it with that HILARIOUS pic of you. i cracked up at work.

Your welcome ha, I thought you had this week off from work?

i had from last monday through tuesday of this week, work today / yest, tomorrow is my pass day :thumbup

That’s what it was :lol

When you heading to LVD tomorrow? Hopefully the rain holds out.

wow guys, way off topic here. talking about pics of celica chick and ur talking about racing? wtf? ur both clearly lacking testosterone.

not too sure… i have to go look at a K100 w/a cummins in the morning, then w/e. I’d like to time it so i can go right from viewing that to the track because it’s out that way.

I am 100% not interested in that. at all. testosterone has nothing to do with it. :thumbup

i’m always interested in boobies :slight_smile:

Ha K100 as in cabover? For yourself?

maaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyybe. :wink:

from my own thread?! :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

I haven’t been home! Soon, how’s that?

how does every thread amanda starts turn into people wanting to see her tits…i mean they are nice and one of em is pierced but but come on…

lol its soooooooo true! and both are Andrew…:wow:wow

They are nice, but pierced? :frowning:

haha andrew you leaked my secret! haha oh well…yes, they are :ahh:ahh

they are hyper sensitive too!!

haha andrew you leaked my secret! haha oh well…yes, they are :ahh:ahh

I don’t believe it, PM me details haha

hey your not the only one that has shit peirced…

prince albert in the house:evilking

have you been talking to Dom??? LOL because I don’t think you’d know that…orrrr did it some how come up during conversation one night??? :ahh:ahh:ahh:ahh i can’t remember!