exhaust manifold gasket

i just got finished installing my turbo manifold on the head which was shaved and surfaced and everything was torqued down properly in the correct order but on the outskirts of the manifold you can see specs of light, is day 1/32 of an inch worth of visibility that the gasket and header dont seem to be touching, when the car first runs will the gasket expand and fill this up?

I really doubt the gasket will expand. Sounds like something is warped.

your manifold have a beard? what you use to shave it…a mach3? :stuck_out_tongue:

x2im gona remove it and bring it to my engine guy 2mrrw o well atleast i caught it earli

mystery solved shits warped on the outside of the manifold, a quick shave will do me well

would anyone advise to also buy a new gasket? the one on there now looks fine

the gasket not having been ran (read:heated up), it should be fine. But with it being warped and torqued down it could have been pressure pointed. What kind of gasket are we talking here? MLS? paper?

wutever felpro is i dont wanna gues cause i dont exactly know, but its gray if that helps, if i did guess id say mls


exact one

looks like a graphite type there. MLS is multi layered steel. i mean for $5 i’d rock a new one out because taking headers off sucks.

x2 thats what i plan on, well i at least know my headgasket is MLS

You don’t need an MLS exhaust mani gasket. The SRT is a crush style, and I even re-used mine for 2 different turbo manifolds and it never leaked.