Explanation is required. psi2high you got fucking SHANKED???

this is why i dont like going downtown and the reason i havent gone in a damn long time! hope all involved are ok and wat happened to the person with the knife?

he ran off like a bitch ni99a

Hopefully youre ok Sean and hopefully they catch the knee grow that did this.

Probably not much you can sue him for though. Maybe take his food stamps?

How did it come about?


I know there were two bouncers at Envy that got stabbed, but did Sean (psi2high) really get stabbed at well???
I thought that was just a joke about him being involved too…

so stupid, hope seans ok, and yes it really did happen, not exactly something to joke about. Im glad we decided not to meet up with you guys.

Not a joke at all from what I heard.

this is why ya need me to go out with you little girls .but like paul said its not a laughin matter little fifal could of been hurt bad

YES HE REALLY GOT STABBED. I was right next to him and was damn surprised it wasnt me getting hit with it. He got a decent amount of staples at the hospital and got released about 5am today.

My shirt is APD evidence now as well, so that should tell ya its not a joke. Nothing funny about it.

He wasn’t laughing or saying it was funny?:wierd Relax.

Wow, that’s rediculous! I’m sorry to hear… so this was the same people that stabbed the bouncers I take it?

Im relaxed. Just stating that its not a joke.

No, the bouncer incident happened Fri iirc. This happened last night around 12:30 or so outside of Victory. They have enough evidence left from the black male that did it, so hopefully they put him away.

:ninja ok srsly wtf happened to the KKK smiley?

ok, really inappropriate. dude got stabbed whats so funny about it?
one of which came quite close to his spine. hilarious benny.

also, this is still an open investigation.

lets watch the racial slurs, save that for another time and another place.

assault with a deadly weapon/aggrivated assault. the guyis looking at some time for it for sure when he is caught

It’s not a laughing matter, it’s a WTF is going on type thing. It’s how I deal with stuff, don’t like it? Don’t read it, don’t bring your bullshit in here and make this an argument thread. I added a smiley, woopty doo. NOT really innappropriate, as he’s doing ok now.

Anyway, sorry for the insane bad luck Sean, that’s really horrible and I’m glad that it seems the best case scenario played out. Obviously could have been much worse. Here’s to a speedy recovery! STAY THE FUCK OUT OF ALBANY OK? Come to toga or something, less naggers. :shifty

no slurs on my end… i was quite politically correct.

understood ,but how is us talikin the troof gonna hurt sean somehow

Im sure with a guy like that carrying a kitchen knife around he has a few priors. The Sgt I was talking to at the hospital said that he ran into a known gang house, and the people in teh house were actually really cooperative. So Im sure he has a rap sheet, and hopefully this is his 3rd strike, BYE BYE!