External Wastegates

I bought a TiAL external wastegate. a 38mm one. i think it comes with a 7.5psi spring.

so i’m gonna have to buy a 14.5psi spring

but is the spring rate the maximum boost it can control?? like a spring listed at 14.5psi, can it handle over 14.5psi??

or is 14.5psi the most stable boost level that the WG can control??

dont worry about changing the spring, just get a boost controler and turn it up that way.

it’ll be running with a manual control valve, which i have on my truck now.

my question is if i buy the 14.5psi spring, can it handle a range of say 10spi to 20psi. or is 14.5psi the maximum pressure it can vent?

if you buy a 14.5psi spring, that is the LEAST amount of boost it will run. You use the controller to increase the pressure above the spring.

Regardless of what spring you have, you can run any pressure. Though, a heavier spring will help control the boost a little better… but i’ve run 25psi+ on 7psi springs and have had no problems.

The general rule of thumb seems to be the max. stable boost is twice the spring pressure. I can’t say for sure, as I had a 17PSI spring and never ran 34PSI. However, it held 29-30PSI solid.


I ran a 7psi spring @32psi all season last year

yea just buy a boost controler

I dont know I know eric ran a lower PSI spring and it just couldnt hold anymore so he had to step up to a stiffer spring… on my 14psi spring my boost is rock solid at 14 or 23psi

HAHAHA what the hell are you talking about?

eric ran a 7psi spring and the boost wouldnt hold steady above 17psi. that’s why it took so long to get a race gas tune on his car.