extreme tailgating


I’m getting to old to let the asshole drivers get me upset anymore. If I’m getting tailed, I just keep continuing on my way.

And the last time I started shit I got yanked out of my window and into a fight. So… lol

you seriously have the WORST luck.



Worst people are these ones:
When your cruising in the right lane down the thruway and some ass hat comes up behind you and tail gates you…and all they really need to do is switch lanes and pass. You know the ones that you will speed up a little and they do the same, but won’t pass yea.

I will usually mess with people who tailgate me when I’m in a right lane of a multi-lane highway. Aside from that I’d make an effort to let them get by(usually by slowing way down) - maybe they are in a legitimate hurry.

This thread needs liss bitching and more…


My daily is awd and there are times I wish it could just smoke em…