EZ Pass lanes

I just love how, because the light doesnt change IMMEDIATELY people slow down, slow down, and eventually stop. The scanner doesnt move(I dont think, anyways) so you need to keep moving for it to read your pass. Some people just cant be helped. They will be the slaves when the robots take over.

Fuck you stay out of my way.

I lol’d srs.


LMAO!! well put wayne :rofl

down state they have 55 mph ez pass lanes
pretty cool that they can do that now

it depends on the location. they still have 5 mph lanes and if you go 20 mph you will be warned first then fined the second time you do it.

no you won’t. I do it EVERY day. anything over 20 and yes you are 100% correct. TRUST ME!!!

and i have a warning letter for going 20 in a 5.

ahahahahahahah sucks to be you!

What pisses me off more than anything is the fact that tolls were suposed to be cut/donezo over a decade ago.

And they need to make 55-65mph toll lanes.

ahahhhaa this ^

@ wayne… u are a rebel son LOL i can see u now at the tolls…

i go 5mph thru them then ROMP outta there and the attentend is overwhelemed by black smoke.