EZ Pass lanes

So I’m going to let off a little rant about the people I notice with EZ Pass.

So I love my EZ Pass, up untill last summer I was still getting tickets at the toll booths, especialy after getting a job which require thruway travel I realized quickly that I would like an EZ PASS and it literly cut 5-10 minutes off my travel time when going thru tolls etc.

First off, the whole point of an EZ pass is so you dont have to stop, just slow down and be on your way. WHY CANT PEOPLE GET THIS THRU THEIR HEAD! It’s extremely annoying to see people stop in the EZ Pass lane untill they see “EZ Pass GO”

Then you have the Jackasses that fly up to the EZ Pass lane doing 40mph, slam on their brakes stop briefly just to punch the gas… Like wtf really? you could have just slowed down to 5-10mph and go thru it?

The 20mph EZ pass lane is awesome, but do people not know how to read? Just like the jackasses that stop completely and creep slowly until they see EZ Pass go, Its amazing to see people stop in a 20mph ezpass lane… does doing 20mph thru an ez pass scare you? Do you think the wrath of the NY State is going to come down on your for doign 20mph?

I cant stand it, its like why bother getting an EZ pass if your just going to stop for a few seconds… mine as well keep using the ticket lane.

People are stupid, end thread.

shady WTF this is like the 30th time youve had an EZPASS rant, no i will not get EZPASS id rather stop grab a ticket and cause traffic than deal with that chickenshit bullshit EZPASS

People who gets tickets = dummies.

People who go 10mph in 20mph lanes = dummies

People who stop in lanes = dummies

Basically, I concur.

People who wasted more time making this thread than the time they lost because of someone slowing down below 20mph in a lane = dummy

Agree in general, but most people that travel thru NYS tolls have no reason to get an EZPASS.

I just wish theyd put more 20 mph ez pass lanes in. It would be great if atleast one of the middle ez pass lanes at exit 24 was a 20 mph lane.
Sometimes its real tough trying to get over from the far right lane if theres alot of traffic.

i HATE the poeple who SUCK at picking a lane. like at 24tolls, people go in lane 9 ALLL the way to the left, the cut everyone off to get to the xgates exit.

Or like tonight, im lined up with the ezpass lane. slowing down from 70… ALMOST reach the toll and some guy from out of no where almost hit the barrier and cuts me off to get infront of me. WHEN THE LANES ON BOTH SIDES HAD NO ONE IN LINE. wanted to P.I.T him so bad leaving the tolls. :frowning:

the easy pass lane at 3 am is great. just drove back from out by amsterdam, had none of these problems lol.

Paul the reason the 20mph EZ Pass lane is all the way at the end of the tolls is for safety. So if a toll booth worker is moving across the tolls to get the the building or back to the booth so someoen doesnt hit them at 20mph…

Well I guess I didnt think of that.
They should have an underground tunnel or overhead walkway for them. A few times Ive seen one of them almost get whacked because somebody didnt see them.

There shouldn’t be shit. People just need to pay more attention when they drive and be more aware. I wish there was a way for the police to ticket for that crap (driving with very little awareness). That is the sole reason why we have so many accidents, deaths, etc. People don’t know what the hell they are doing.

Typical and bad drivers FTL.

im a fan of the 55/65 mph lanes…

they are putting them in, there is an overhead walkway down by the city now being put in.

living in the middle of nowhere=no tolls


Hey, you try it at 5 pm.

i love ezpass, however other ezpass users are raaatards. It should come with a “HOW TO USE” manual…

All Easy Pass lanes are 20 mph. At least you won’t get a ticket or a letter if you go as fast as 20. Any higher and they WILL contact you.

That being said if anyone goes slower than that or stops i get right on their ass. Like RIGHT on their ass. Morons, GTFO of my way.

the signs do say 5 mph though