ez pass questions

Yay, for people to give misleading information.

I work at the tolls. Trust me.

EZPass’s are not vehicle specific…but class specific.

So if you have a 2L (2 = 2 Axles, L = lower than 7’6") EZPass, and you put it on a different classed vehicle…you will be fined. So don’t use your ezpass, with UHAUL trucks, or when towing a vehicle. If you do, go through a “manned” lane, and not an “EZPass Only” lane.

The EZPass only lanes are video enforced, but from behind. So unless you are going to remove your rear lisence plate…don’t worry about it.

66impalass’ - you must have been towing something, or used your car’s EZPass, in a differently classed vehicle.