I use this blasted thing 34+ times a week, same car, same tag, same routes, same times. 3-5 times a week I get “call ezpass” becasue it doesnt scan. I have noticed a few 5mph lanes that will catch the tag and green light you faster than most 20mph lanes… and 5mph lanes that you could get out and punch the scanner before it scanned your car. BUT, beyond the shitty, inconsistent system’s performance thats not the problem here.
So I open my transaction log in the mail 2 days ago and 3 things jump out. First they bumped my auto deduction amount from $30 to $75, without prior notice. Apparently they said its in the terms and conditions… I am sure it is, but where does the arbitrary number even come from??? I would be pissed if I bounced something becasue of this. My travel routes havnt changed at all since I opened CRC, 9 months ago, yet 2 months ago they decided to bump me??? Doesnt make sense IMO. but what ever
My old tag, from YEARS AGO, hasn’t been in my car since I dont know when becasue it started working like shit, like 1 out of 3 attempts it would scan correctly… so i requested a new one, and put this one in the junk drawer and since then has gotten lost. (my mistake). Since then apparently my account “picks” which tag it wants to credit the toll scan with, even thought the tag in the car stays the same (1485 is the tag in the car)! One lady even had the audacity to tell me “I need to know what is in my car”, telling me the other tag has to be in it. My car is EMPTY its not in there, so to prove it I put the 1485 tag in the metal baggy and hit 4 tolls, guess what CALL EZPASS, NO EZPASS! Told ya so.
So I dig into this a bit and I find some overlapping transactions. like this one: How could I get off the exit at 23:55, jump back in time 2 minutes and magically jump on the thruway 2 exits away? LOL
At one point 3 years ago, I had the NY 12 plan added back to the account (expires every new year to which you HAVE to mail them a payment to put it back on the account, cant do it on the phone, yeah right thanks. The NY12 is the first 30 miles are free… but somehow because of this tag difference nonsense it picked and chose when to use the NY 12… for months until i caught it, disputed it and got a refund. SORTA. They first refunded me $240, then the next day was like nahhhh we are going to just give you $209 back and too their money back!!!
Here is a perfect example of a straight up double charge:
So for the past 3 years i have had this magical tag following me everywhere. Today I called for the 3rd time in 2 days to get this fixed, and cancel the second tag lost or stolen to make them happy. (keep in mind, if i didnt loose it years ago, I have every right to have that other tag, and use it at my discretion, but I dont have any good way to prove to them I am not switching the tags daily to fuck with them) I prove the double charge, and the one example of the over lapping charges and ask that the $25 fee be waived, becasue I bet in 3 years i have atleast $25 worth of their messed up charges to cover that… they said GTFO and wouldnt do anything. So now i am going back and will print out all my statements and find them myself, and dispute it.
CLIFF NOTES, EZ-PASS SCAMS PEOPLE BECAUSE THEIR SYSTEM IS BUGGY TO SAY THE LEAST. I cant be the first one to see this happen, I bet it happens thousands of times a year stealing our money. CHECK YOUR BILLS!